Chapter 34

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*In Sloth's room*
Vira: *Walks inside*
Vira: Wh-What is that?
Sloth: That's my Pop-Tart wrapper
Vira: *While she's leaving* See one day you gonna wake up and a mouse gonna be eating your nuts!


Now that I finally came back, I tried to spend some time honing my powers. It's been hours since I released Lyria from her mental imprisonment and today, I wanted to train.  And training helped a lot with getting some unwanted thoughts out of my mind.

Lucifer, at first, didn't want me to start my training so early. But we have seven days until we fight Michael. I want to train as much as I can.

Greed and I worked on my offense while Lucifer stood by, taking notes on my improvement. The swords I created with my shadow clashed on Greed's armor, creating black and gold sparks. So far I've been defeated in all rounds but I continued to try my best. Greed gave me everything he had and so did I.

Eventually, I fell but quickly caught myself on each hand. My back faced Greed. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright, Mother? Did I go too far?"

"I'm fine."

"You're fine now but if this were a real fight, you'd be dead," he said.

As he helped me up, I asked how.

"Greed touched your shoulder," said Lucifer. "If you fight with an opponent and you turn your back, don't expect them to follow the rules of combat. They'll kill you with your back turned without a second thought."

"That's true," Greed said, nodding in agreement. "It's not the medieval ages anymore. People who still follow that shitty rule are a bunch of pussies."

"How you know?" I asked, drinking some water.

His lips curled into a large grin. "Because I did it myself."

"That's adorable."

Lucifer and Greed laughed. I just found it cute that he said that while looking like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Well, that's enough of that," said Lucifer. "I want to see if you have any weaknesses."

My shadow vanished from its sword and went back to normal. Greed took off his armor and handed it to some of the Demon fairies in the room. They carried it away.

"How so?" I asked Lucifer.

He snapped his fingers and the lights instantly went out. "Try to use your shadow now."

"But I can't. I don't have one in the dark."

"Exactly," he said. "That's your weakness. You can't be in the dark."

"Unless she has light," mentioned Greed.

A ball of fire appeared above his hand. It's bright light illuminated the ballroom. My shadow came right back.

That's the power he got from me. My boys all got bits of my elemental powers. Greed can control fire and water and the others can control the other elements. It's a mix for all of them, though.

Lucifer turned the lights back on. "You gotta be careful if you fight, Virago. Michael doesn't know your weakness right now but if he does, he'll take advantage of it."

Tainted Wings: Book Two (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon