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Giving birth again in the modern world was a little more tedious than how I gave birth all those years ago. There was no lake nearby to birth my baby this time since my bundle of joy was born in Hell. It was all really painful like how I remembered, especially the postpartum depression.

My body changed immensely again but Lucifer made me feel beautiful no matter how different I looked. I like to think of my pregnancy scars as a reminder that I brought a beautiful new life into this world. So it was all worth it, just like when I gave birth to my boys. I earned these scars that created life in the end. I wouldn't change them for the world.

By the way, Hades actually found a cat that he fell in love with. Shocking, right? As for my dogs, they've been doing excellent Hellhound work ever since they became Demons. They always come to visit once a day to see us.

Typing away on my laptop, I yawned and took a sip of my wine. Twisting my body in my seat, I cracked my back, letting out a sigh.

A string of lightning struck the Earth a few miles away. The rain gave the chilly night the perfect vibe I needed to write. Since Mami y Papi wanted to see their little grandchild this weekend, we all came back to the manor for tomorrow.

Lucifer waltzed into the kitchen, holding a cup of his own wine. Not much has changed with him, he's still the same old Lucifer but when it comes to our toddler, he turns into such a big softy. It's so cute to see, especially when our toddler puts makeup on him.

He kissed my neck. "Our baby is still napping, Virago. You know what that means?"

Giggling, I pushed his face away with a finger. "It means I have more time to write and you have more time to wreak havoc on the damned souls."

"You hurt me, Virago." Lucifer pouted, placing a hand on his chest. "You really do."

"Did I make you angry?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No."

"Oh? I was gonna say you can relieve your anger out on me but–"

"N-No, wait!" he stammered, blushing red. "I'm angry!"

We both laughed as he placed his cup down, hugging me from the back. Rubbing my arms, he watched me write out a new paragraph for my story.

"New scene you're writing?" he asked, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just revising the chapter I told you about."

"How many pages did you–"

His body stiffened. Straightening up, he faced the kitchen door.

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up from my seat.

"I hear crying."

Grabbing my wrist, he told me to close my eyes and hold my breath for a second. I did what I was told, feeling a short gust of air, and opened my eyes. We were in front of the nursery and the boys appeared a second later.

Opening the door, I turned the lights on and found my toddler crying in her crib. She reached for me and Lucifer, trying to jump out as tears ran down her brown skin.

"Mama!" she sobbed. "Papa!"

Opening my arms, I walked on over towards her. "Aww, Sadie, did you have a nightmare?"

As I picked her up, she nodded. "Nightscare!"

She hid her teary face in my neck, holding me tight.

"Wrath, did you have anything to do with this?" Envy asked, snickering at his brother.

Tainted Wings: Book Two (18+)Where stories live. Discover now