Chapter 4

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Envy: How do I write this correctly? You should've "came" or you should've "come"?

Sloth: You should've "come".

Lust: *Jumps out of the closet* It's "you should've came".

Envy and Sloth: 0.o

Lust: We're talking about ladies, right? >:)


The vanilla-scented lotion gave my skin a nice, dewy glow. As I looked in the mirror of my new vanity, I spread it all over my arms while listening to the shower in the master bathroom. Tonight was spectacular. I'm so happy I spent time with my family! The boys got so funny over the years. Lucifer was still his brooding self but he threw in a dad joke here and there. His humor was so bad that it's funny, it doesn't even surprise me. Add that to the list of why I'm in love with him.

Hell was a lot different than what I imagined. Before, I used to think everything would be on fire with lakes of dark blood and drowning souls. In reality, Hell had abandoned cities under a red sky. There was no sun, just three large red moons. The only source of light in Hell was from the moons and in Lucifer's castles. He also had copies of our family portraits here as well. All of them hung a couple halls away from his room. His master bedroom was larger than the one in the manor. It also had medieval accents.

Speaking of my husband, he walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his hips. Water droplets clung at the ends of his hair. Some ran down his chest. He took the towel off, revealing his naked body.

When people say Lucifer was the most beautiful Angel, they were correct. He walked around the room, getting his clothes ready for tomorrow. I like how we can be naked in front of each other without any sexual tension. I mean, it was like that a few times when we started our relationship. But now, instead of just sexual attraction, we see the beauty in our bodies.

Lucifer caught me staring. A smirk grew on his lips. "Something on your mind?"

And thanks to that, the sexual tension has commenced.

I shifted in my seat. "No..."

He scrutinized me. Then, in all his naked, beautiful glory, Lucifer walked up behind me and kissed my neck. His lips created a sensual pattern on my skin. It was so unfair that I'm fully clothed and he wasn't. I sucked in a breath as he slipped his hand between my legs. Spreading them open to give him more access, I sighed. My eyes fluttered closed. I tilted my neck to the side to let him kiss every part of my needy skin. Sparks turned into a fire down in my core as a moan left my lips.

Lucifer pushed a finger between my folds but quickly pulled it out, giving my neck one last kiss. No, no! Why did he stop?

My eyes snapped open. He sent me a wink through the mirror. "Next time, speak what's on your mind, Virago."

"How dare you?!"

Lucifer let out a husky laugh and I pouted, folding my arms across my chest as I stood up. If I stay here, I'm going to lose my mind. I have to talk to my kids. Going to bed without talking to them will not happen tonight. Lucifer needed to stop distracting me.

I huffed. "I'm gonna go see our babies."

"You do know they're much older than you now, right?"

"Yeah, and? They're still our babies."

Lucifer pulled me by the waist, letting out a snide laugh as he watched me melt against his length. "I can feel it."

Gulping, I pressed my inner thighs together. "F-feel what?"

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