Chapter 25

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"It was you all along...forcing me to..."

How could I ever think Lucifer would do such a thing to me? Was it because of my memories being suppressed?

"Really?" Michael laughed. "Forcing you? I thought you were enjoying it by the way you were screaming. Isn't that what Humans do when they enjoy sex? Isn't it supposed to be rough and dangerous?"

"You're one sick bastard!"

"Please," he scoffed. "I tried to get rid of your fucking memories so you can have better ones! But every single day you always tried your best to remember those damn moments with my brother!"

My mouth remained clamped shut. So that was why I had trouble remembering, he's been clouding my thoughts since day one. Now that he stopped, my memories were functioning well.

Why the hell was he so damn obsessed with me?

"All I wanted was for you to be my first," he finished.

"What are you...Oh, my God, why would you want me to be your first?!"

Michael sighed. "Why do you think I killed you, beloved?"

"I don't know if you noticed by now, but I'm not yours!"

In mere seconds, he appeared in front of me, towering over my body. My heart wanted out of my ribcage. He snaked his hand in my hair and gripped with a large amount of force, ignoring my punches.

"You could be you know," he said, touching my cheek. "You could rule Heaven with me instead of Hell."

"Don't touch me!" I growled, smacking him hard. "I swear I'm going to–"

"You have no powers. Thanks to that collar around your neck, all of your powers are gone."

"I obviously have no collar!"

Michael snapped his fingers. A piercing cold metal appeared on my neck, the same thing those bitches back home put on me. Shoving Michael off of me, I struggled to rip the collar off. It was as if it attached itself to my skin. Still, I continued pulling on the foreign object.

Michael snarled. "You want to be treated like a dog? Then I'll treat you like one until you learn how to behave again."

"Excuse me?!"

He held his hand out. A leash appeared, landing in his hand. It moved on its own, attaching to my collar. Grabbing it, I tugged with all my might, but Michael slammed me to the ground. The length of the leash was too short for me to stand. He dragged me with him as I screamed while the sharp rocks on the ground scraped my skin.

"All of this," he said above my screams, "was just an illusion. I made this for you to believe you were back in the past, back in the simpler times you missed oh so much."

"Let me go!"

"You wanna know the reason I killed you?!" he shouted above me. "I killed you because Lucifer has taken everything from me. The love of our Father. The attention that was meant to be for me. The wings I was supposed to be born with, and most importantly..." We made it to the cottage. He threw me into my room. "The woman I love."

Coughing, I pushed myself up on my elbows. "Love? How are you even capable of loving someone?"

He squatted down next to me, smiling, holding the leash before I could crawl away. "I don't surprised me."

"What are you talking about?"

Michael pouted. "Virago, don't you see? I killed you because I love you."

Laughter spilled from my lips. This man has got to be the craziest man I've ever met. He watched me until my laughter died down. When it dawned on me that he was actually being serious, I forced my mouth shut.

"You don't love me, you asshole!" I shouted.

"Yes, I do!" he barked, voice trembling down. "And if I can't have you, then no one can, especially Lucifer."

His eyes grew crazed as he mentioned Lucifer's name. The amount of fear surrounding me nearly stole the oxygen out of my lungs. He leaned closer and I crawled back.

"Lucifer is going to kill you once he finds out what you did to me."

"You really overestimate him, beloved," he laughed. "He cant kill me."

The wall behind him melted to the ground along with the rest of the room. Everything turned white. The furniture resembled my old room except it was all white as well. Michael threw me on the bed.

"What the hell are y–"

He snatched the leash forward and quickly tied it to the bedpost. "You belong here, and that's final."

Fucking piece of shit! Tugging on the leesh, a zap of electricity stung my neck. Michael snickered. "The electricity just started. The more you pull, the more it'll shock you."

"Fuck!" I dropped the leash. "All of this, fucking Lyria and–"

"Lyria, that despicable woman, was my little puppet. Do you know how hard it was to make her believe she was not working for me when she, in fact, was?"

"What?!" I cried.

He cackled. "She was a tough one to crack. Lyria didn't want to be part of my plan and she threatened to tell my father. I had to make her believe she was betraying me. But my hypnosis to take you out of that disgusting castle only gets triggered by a simple word. I sent that horrendous succubus to set her free."

My eyes widened. "Kristie..."

"Yes, that Demon whore begged to be reunited with her sisters in Heaven. Quite gullible for a Demon I'd say."

Michael sat on the bed. He leaned forward, lips reaching for my neck but I instantly pushed him away. "Stop that! Why are you doing this to me?!"

His eyes morphed into slits. "I'm not doing anything to you, what I am doing is torturing Lucifer. But thanks to Lyria, my plan is now officially in motion...although my other plans failed. That little brain of yours was more powerful than I thought. You weren't supposed to remember anything at all."

"Then what the hell do you want?!"

"The answer to that only involves me and Lucifer," he said, standing up. "It's none of your concern. Now, stay and don't speak, dog."


He gripped his hands into fists and pulled on back. My face planted on the bed. Groaning, I held my cheek. The pain from the smack grew until my cheek began to swell.

"If you speak," he said icily, "Your punishment will be more severe than the last. Now behave because when I come back, we're gonna have some fun. And don't even try to speak while I'm gone, I have some guards outside to report everything you say."

Michael stared at me, challenging me, but my lips remained shut. Smiling, he patted my head as I whimpered in pain.

"Good girl," he whispered and appeared by the door. As he held it open, he spoke over his shoulder. "I'll be back, beloved."

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