Chapter 15

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Virago: Add two shots of Vodka ^^
Virago: *pours in the entire bottle*


The boys and I gathered in the kitchen. They set it up as if it were an actual game show with three stations and a table for the judges. Wrath was gone. He left a few moments ago for another MMA competition tonight so he couldn't make it.

Taking a seat between Sloth and Envy, I jumped a bit and clapped my hands softly. "This is going to be so fun."

"Imma bring out my inner food critique," said Envy.

"I was dragged here," Sloth yawned. "Man, I should be taking my nap now."

"You can take a nap after," I replied, ruffling his hair.

He didn't even bother fixing it. "Thanks, Mother."

Pride was setting up the timer on his phone. Lust, Greed, and Gluttony all had their game faces on. All three were obviously determined to win.

"First," Pride said, "you three will be doing an Italian dish. Use whatever ingredients you want. Now...go!"

Not even a single blink and all I saw were three blurs running around the kitchen. They each stopped to heat up the food and cook, then the inhumane speed started all over again.

"Time!" Pride shouted.

How...Wait that was way too quick!

The boys held their completed dishes in front of us. Steam escaped between the edge of the covers and plates.

"Holy nuggets, that was fast," I whispered.

"One of the reasons why I never got a lateness complaint from a single customer," said Gluttony with a proud grin.

"First dish is Lust's," Pride announced.

Lust placed his plate down and pushed it forward. He lifted the round, metal food cover. "I made chicken marsala."

Gasping, I picked up my fork. "It looks so pretty!"

"The appearance seems sloppy," said Envy, totally disagreeing with me. "And the chicken looks like it's soggy."

"Hush it, you little shit!" Lust snapped.

My jaw dropped. "Um, no, no, no! Don't call your little brother that, Lust!"

"Yes, Mother!" He clamped his mouth shut.

Sloth leaned forward. "The aroma is great."

The three of us finally took a bite. But the taste almost burnt my tongue. Envy and I coughed. He scrunched up his face and I'm sure mine looked the same.

"Oh, honey," I spoke to Lust, still coughing. "You put way too much salt."

"Damn it!" Lust growled.

Greed and Gluttony let out boastful laughs behind him. Pride handed Envy a bag and he spat out the chicken. I forced myself to swallow.

"Lust," I said between coughs, "less salt next time, okay?"

"I...I couldn't even finish it!" Envy whined.

Sloth took another bite. "I don't know, I kinda like it."

"Huh?" Envy and I asked.

"I think it needs more salt."

"Huh?!" we repeated.

Sloth blinked, shrugging as he continued to eat. Envy still coughed and I patted his back. Turning back to Sloth, I asked, "Are you okay? Are your tastebuds okay?"

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