Chapter 33

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Virago: Okay, class, in English, what does Gato mean?
Wrath: 😊
Virago: It goes 'meow'
Lust: 😋
Virago: Come on, guys, you kn–
Lust: PUSSY!


The stench of the chamber stuffed my nose. Lyria had her wings nailed to the wall. Her feathers were plucked. Her skin had been peeled off, revealing muscle. She continued to struggle against her restraints, ignoring the pain in her wings. Lucifer had tied her hands up above her as well.

As soon as we walked in and she saw me, she screamed, "You wench! Why aren't you with Michael?!"

If she weren't under Michael's enchantment I would've smacked the red out of her hair.

Sloth wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Ever since he was a kid, he was a big hugger and always held me close. Kinda like what I do with Mami. Lucifer asked him to come down here with us for his help.

"How are we going to un-brainwash her?" I asked Cali. "She seems too far gone."

"I'll check what's up with her," said Sloth.

He gripped Lyria's chin, forcing her to look his way. "Be quiet."

Lyria gasped. Her tantrum subsided. She froze, eyes turning gold like Sloth's. Standing next to Sloth, I watched him stare right through Lyria.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Checking her subconscious," Lucifer whispered as he healed Lyria's wounds. "He did that the night you fainted in the manor."

Woah. That's so sweet of him. Hopefully he didn't see anything he shouldn't have seen. That was during the time I fantasized about Lucifer a lot.

Oh, crap, I hope he didn't see a thing.

Sloth's eyes moved rapidly from side to side as if he was searching for something. His eyes widened until he finally let go. Lyria began her screaming again, unaware of what my son just did.

"She's so far gone," said Sloth, rubbing his chin. "This is going to be tough."

"You're gonna have to get in her head, right?" asked Cali.

"You may do no such thing!" Lyria screeched.

Sloth nodded, ignoring the screaming Angel. "Yeah. I'm gonna need some help though."

"Oh." I raised my hand. "Pick me!"

"I was already gonna say that," Sloth laughed. "We have to go through her memories to find the root of the source. It should be the moment Michael brainwashed her. We heal that part of her subconscious and she'll be okay."

"Well, dang," I muttered. "I hope I get this right."

"I know you will," said Lucifer.

Smiling, I hugged his arm. "Thanks, babe. So, Sloth, you did this before? Getting in someone's head?"

He nodded. "I helped Father torment some of his prisoners...Only when I wanted to though."

"Neat. So how are we gonna do this?"

"Will it be safe?" asked Lucifer.

"Well," said Sloth, "it seems like Michael's brainwashing is more of a parasite in her subconscious."

Cali furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

"Like an actual parasite." Sloth replied. "It looks like it's been eating away at her for some time. If we don't do this quickly, it'll devour her original memory and the one Michael implanted in her will be the one she'll remember."

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