Chapter 39

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Vira: What did you do?!

Kid Sloth: I shaved my eyebrows! :D

Vira: Why did you do that?!

Kid Sloth: I don't know! :D


The rest of the day felt so unreal. Not being in Hell anymore had me feeling odd and even though I know I could stay on Earth now, I really miss being in Hell. It was quiet. I didn't have to worry about being surrounded by idiot Humans. Heck, I even missed not using social media.

Lucifer and the boys went back to Hell with Michael's body. He made sure to put him in the deepest cell in his chamber. The fact that all I had to do was wait, especially without him, felt strange, too. I was so used to hiding that being alone didn't sit right with me.

Cali came back no later than the time I arrived. She walked into the living room with Drac. He had a large black sack on his shoulder and gently laid it on the couch across from me. They each had their clothing ruffled and bruises on their faces and arms. Both of them looked like they needed a good night's sleep.

"Those Angels know how to punch," Cali sighed, throwing herself on the couch next to me.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

Drac took a Hell's Pit bottle from the minibar. "My Vampyres distracted them well. We did great."

Laying my back on the couch, I let out a sigh of relief. Everything went according to plan.

"Thank goodness," I whispered.

"You cut off Michael's wings?" asked Cali.

I nodded in response.

"Fucking badass," Cali said with a grin, closing her eyes.

It was all finally over. Lucifer gets to torture Michael whenever he wanted. I don't have to worry about my surroundings anymore. Our lives could finally go back to normal.

And gosh, I miss Lucifer and my kids already. Why were they taking so long? I wanna be with them so bad right now but Lucifer didn't want me anywhere near Michael in case he woke up.

Pointing at the large sack, I asked Cali what was inside.

Cali peeled her exhausted eyes open. She glanced at the sack and at me. "It's Lucifer's wings."

I instantly stood up, standing over the sack. "Where were they?"

"Michael had them locked away," answered Drac. "The Angels were so close to burning them. We made it in the nick of time."

Sitting back down, I laid the sack on my lap. Part of me wanted to open it, but the other part wanted Lucifer to be the first one to do so. If I did, it would be like me taking a peek at one of the lowest points in his life.

His wings were so large. Running my hand over the sack, I could feel each feather under the fabric. To this day, Lucifer's wounds haven't healed at all. The damage he endured isn't like any other wound he had.

"Vira, you should let Dracula take his wings to your room," said Cali. "I think it'd be best to keep them there for now."

Nodding, I stood up. Drac took one last swig of his drink before gently picking up Lucifer's wings. He treated them with so much kindness as he carried them on his shoulder. As I walked to my bedroom, Drac followed me.

"So what are you gonna do to celebrate?" asked Drac.

"What do you think?"

We walked up the stairs as he hummed in thought. "Two things – one, you and Lucifer fuck like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure that's gonna happen."

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