Chapter 49

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*Vira, drunk in a tub with water and her clothes on*

Vira: I'm washing me and my clothes, bitch! :D

Cali: She's drunk as fuck

Vira: I'm washing me and my cloothes ^^


Your girl reached two months of her pregnancy. Right on Valentine's Day, too. Lucifer and I went to another ultrasound appointment, leaving with new sonogram photos. Baby arrozito (rice) had now grown into a baby olive.

Lucifer and I just arrived back at the manor. As we entered, I smiled at the photos, holding them against my chest.

"This is going straight to the album," I said. "Where are the boys? I wanna show them."

Lucifer helped me remove my jacket, giving it to the Demon fairies. "Back in Hell. Come on, I wanna show you something."

As he grabbed my hand, I giggled. "Another private island?"

"No," he laughed. "This is different."

We went downstairs and entered the portal to Hell. Grabbing the photos, Lucifer gave them to one of his Demon servants, telling him to keep them safe until we return.

"Return?" I asked, following Lucifer upstairs. "Where we going?"

He reached into his pocket. "Put this on."

He handed me a blindfold. Smirking, I gave him a knowing look. "We're going somewhere to get kinky?"

"Virago, oh my gosh." Lucifer threw his head back and laughed. "That sounds like a plan but no, nothing kinky right now."

Shrugging, I put the blindfold on. It prevented the light from coming through and there was no gap underneath. Lucifer held my shoulders from behind, leading the way. I tried to remember the steps and turns to figure out where we were going, but nothing rang a bell. All I know was, once we left the basement, we stayed on the first floor.

Eventually, Lucifer stopped me. The air felt different. He told me to take off the blindfold.

Sliding it on my forehead, I opened my eyes and gasped. "We're outside! In Hell!"

"Yeah." Lucifer grinned. "l finally came up with a way to let you breathe outside but you can't pass the gate."

The trees and grass were not dead and dry. A beautiful fountain with Fallen Angels shot out dancing water. And benches were scattered around in nice, relaxing areas.

I clapped my hands. "This is so cool!"

"Thank you." Lucifer blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm going to need you to put your blindfold on again."

"Haha, okay." I slid it back down.

Again, he helped lead the way. My heartbeat grew faster as the anticipation raised. Not only did I want to beg him to tell me what was up, but I also wanted to rip the blindfold off. I'm sure he worked hard on whatever he wanted to show me, though. I don't wanna ruin the surprise.

Finally, Lucifer stopped moving my body. "Okay, my love, take it off."

Once I did, my breath got locked in my throat. My lips parted and tears came to life in the corner of my eyes. " made this?"

It was an exact replica of the field of flowers I showed him all those years ago, the same one I showed him the first time I was pregnant. We stood in the middle. The trees surrounding it looked the same as well. It felt like we stepped back in time.

"Yes," Lucifer replied, holding me from the back. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love."

My lips wobbled as I began to cry. Instead of a bouquet of flowers, he gave me a whole field of the ones from my past.

Spinning around, I jumped, holding Lucifer tight in my arms.

"Thank you!" I cried. "I love you so much! Thank you so much!"

Lucifer smiled, kissing my lips. "I love you too, Virago."

As I hugged him, he sat down and kissed my forehead. He must've been working on this for the longest time. I've never felt my body buzzed with so much joy and love like this before. Tears of happiness continued to have their way down my face as Lucifer rubbed my back. Once my crying calmed down, I maneuvered my body to sit between his legs and laid my back against his chest.

"Our baby is going to have so much fun playing out here," I said, sniffling.

Lucifer chuckled. "I can already see the boys teaching him their foolish games."

"And they're gonna teach him to pull pranks on you."

Lucifer groaned and I laughed. Speaking of the boys, they emerged from the trees with Envy blindfolded as well. They all smiled while Envy asked what was going on. My chest swelled up. Seems like Lucifer also planned on surprising our son.

Sloth was the one to take Envy's blindfold off. Envy peeled his eyes open. He gasped, rubbing his eyes and widening them as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Holy shit!" he shouted excitedly. "This is fucking awesome!"

His brothers laughed. Everyone besides him and Greed ran into the field.

Greed poked Envy's shoulder. "You're it!"

Envy grinned and one by one, they each conjured up their wings. Envy chased his older brothers on the ground and in the sky, making sure not to pass the gate. My boys had so much fun playing together again like this. For a second, I caught a glimpse of them as children again.

Looking over my shoulder, I found Lucifer smiling at them as well. Facing me, his eyes gleamed with utter happiness.

"You really did make me your queen," I said.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me softly. "And I, your king."

Lucifer leaned his forehead against mine. As we continued watching our kids, a warm breeze washed over us. We held each other, knowing that we'll be together forever this time. No more drama. No more danger. And no more fighting.

Finally, it was just us.











Thank you everyone for reading Tainted Wings! The Epilogue will be posted next week! I can't leave you guys hanging without the baby reveal. xD Again, thank you all so much! ❤️

- Sin

Tainted Wings: Book Two (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora