Chapter 20

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It's been a week, a fucking week since I've last seen Virago. That night crushed me. Every minute that passed felt like hours and she never returned with that glass of water. I thought she was just somewhere in the castle. I searched everywhere for her. And the moment I began to panic, I found the Hellhounds outside, lying unconscious on the dirt. Whoever did this fucked up secret mission to take my wife used a powerful serum to knock them out for days.

I should've gotten the water instead. I should've went with her. Why the fuck did I stay in bed? She was taken while I was fucking awake damn it!

Pacing in my office, I ordered everyone I know to meet with me. My boys waited with me. Calinaigh arrived moments later and soon after, Satan and Cain barged into my door.

"Wrath, what did you find?" I asked.

"Her scent disappeared outside." He said. "Whoever took her covered their tracks and scent except hers."

Fucking bitches knew what they were doing. They left her scent so I could go crazy. Lyria came in. I released her from her confinement so she could actually do what she promised to do.

"Anything?" I asked her.

"A few Angels saw Michael, but no Virago."

"Fuck." Gripping my desk, I threw it at the wall. "Fuck!"

My kids and friends flinched. Lyria took a step back. My body shook as I turned into my true form, seething with the rage in my blood. Michael has her. But where? She could be anywhere on Heaven, but not for long. She's a living Human with no soul. She'll disintegrate if I don't find her soon.

But that doesnt make any sense. Why would he bring her up there if she could burst into dust at any moment?

"What do you want to do, Lucifer?" asked Cain.

"We're going to Heaven," I growled. "I want to strip every house and church down until the very last brick, especially Father's palace."

"But no one has seen–"

"I know him!" I barked at Lyria. "I know he'll try to hide her in a place no one knows about! Fuck, she's probably not even on Heaven."

"I'll send word to the other Witches," said Calinaigh. "Drac will command the Vampyres to help as well. When will you start recruiting Demons?"

"I already started days ago, we leave tonight."

Lyria twiddled with her fingers. "Don't you think we need time to–"

"There's no time!" Calinaigh snapped. "Michael could be doing anything to Virago right now. The more time we waste, the more he has her."

"Calinaigh's right," I said. "We leave tonight."

Turning to face Satan, he was already nodding. "That could definitely be arranged." He placed a hand on Cain's shoulder. "Son, you're coming with me."

"Only if Lucifer allows it."

I gave him permission to go and they both left. We have to fucking hustle, but every single clue we got always leads to a dead end. What could she be thinking right now? Lyria said he'll erase some of her memories. Fucking hell, she's probably so confused. I need to get her back. If he laid a finger on her I'm going to make it rain with his blood.

Gripping the bridge of my nose, I thought of all the places he could've taken her. She's not down here, that's obvious. I already searched every inch on Earth. So I'm left with either Heaven or Purgatory.

"What do you want us to do?" asked Pride.

"You're all coming with me. I'm allowing you seven to run loose and do whatever you want to destroy Heaven."

Wrath grinned. "I like that plan."

Looking out the window, my true form melted away. I need to calm down before I do something I'll regret. This will turn like her death all over again if I don't control myself and barge into Heaven without a plan. If Michael found a way to get my DNA, she'll trust him if he poses as me. I hope whatever he's doing with my face wasn't disgusting.

"Do we have to get our armor?" asked Greed.

"Yes. Bring them to Satan, he'll get the blacksmith to update them."

Lyria stood by the door. "I'll go back to Heaven and distract the Angels."

"No. You're staying here."

"What? Why?"

"You're the only Angel that knows my plan. I still don't trust you, Lyria, so if you even leave my side for a damn second now, you're on my death list."

"Seriously?" She scoffed. "What about rest?"

"I haven't slept once since she was taken. I will not sleep until I have Virago back."

Envy took a step towards me. "But Father, how will you have energy if you have to fight Michael?"

"I'll be alright, son."

"Since we leave tonight," said Lust, "do you want us to prepare for tomorrow now?"

"Yes. I'll join you with Satan in a few. I need time to think on my own."

They all agreed and left. Calinaigh waved her cellphone at me. "Do you want Drac to come?"


She smiled. "I know we have our differences now, but I'll do anything for you guys, Lucifer."

"Thank you, Cali."

"Of course." She slid her phone back in her pocket. "So, um, I know this may be a bad time to bring this up, but did Vira ever showed you the present I gave her?"


Calinaigh frowned. "It was an album full of pictures with you guys."

Now that she mentioned it, Virago did have something in hand that night in my office. Shit, this was my first time in here since she got kidnapped. I never saw it.

"Yeah, she placed something on the–"

Glancing at the couch, I found Lyria quickly sliding something under it.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly.

She gasped, letting go of what looked like an album. Walking up to her, I picked up the album and stiffened once I opened it up to the first page. A drawing of Virago breastfeeding Pride as a newborn faced back at me.

Calinaigh looked over my shoulder. "That's the one!"

"Where," I snarled at Lyria, gripping the album, "did you get this?"

" was just on the couch."

"Then why the fuck were you trying to hide it?" asked Calinaigh.

Lyria gulped, taking a step back.

Calinaigh pulled her lips back into a snarl. Her sharp fangs grew into view. "You bitch!"

Lyria's silence thickened in the air, increasing my internal hatred. A growl rumbled from my chest. Everything grew blurry except her. All I wanted was her head on a fucking plaque.

"Lyria." I took a step forward. "What did you do?"

Lyria glanced at the door. Quickly standing in front of it, I took away her chance of escape. My hands wrapped around her neck. Slamming her up against the wall, it cracked as I choked her as hard as I can.

My talons ripped through her skin. "What did you do?!"

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