Chapter 48

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*Sloth, trying to sleep but the birds outside keep chirping*

Sloth: *Goes outside and yells at the birds* Shut the fuck up! D:<


The beeping noises at the doctors always drove me insane. I hated coming here when I was sick and being around people who don't know how to cover their mouths while coughing.

Laying on a gurney, I waited while Lucifer sat in a chair next to me. My first ever ultrasound. If I weren't pregnant, I'd be so annoyed being here right now. Today marked the first month of my pregnancy and as the seconds on the clock ticked, the anticipation to see my baby grew stronger.

"Imagine we had this kind of stuff when I was pregnant with our boys?" I asked Lucifer. "It would've been so nice to have their ultrasound pictures."

Lucifer smiled, holding my hand while nodding. "At least we have Calinaigh's drawings."

"True that."

The door opened and in came the woman I've been waiting for.

She smiled, reaching her hand out for me to shake. "Good morning, My Queen."

"You're a Demon, too?" I asked, shaking her hand.

She winked, sitting down and preparing for the ultrasound. "We're everywhere."

"Nice," I said with a grin.

She gently lifted up my shirt, warning me about the gooey liquid she'll put on my belly. The thing was really cold, but I didn't budge. She pressed the hand-held device against my abdomen, maneuvering it around until she stopped in one place.

"Your baby is the size of a grain of rice right now," she said.

"When can we hear the heartbeat?" Lucifer asked.

She tapped on some buttons and the ultrasound device began printing. "With how things are going, most likely in the next week or two."

"When we come back for future appointments, don't tell us the gender of the baby," I said. "We want it to be a surprise like old times."

"Sure." She smiled. "Sometimes you can't tell if it's a boy or girl but if anything, I'll block it out so you can still have the rest of the pictures."

"Thank you."

She removed the hand-held device and cleaned off the liquid on my belly. Finally, she handed me the first photo of the baby. My heart warmed up. Lucifer stood up and looked at the photo, smiling even though our child was so tiny.

"Now, what are your plans?" the doctor asked. "Do you want to give birth here?"

"We're having a home birth," Lucifer replied.

I nodded. "It's sort of a tradition. A friend of mine will be my midwife."

"Very well." The doctor stood up. "Lucifer has all my info so if you need any help or face any complications, give me a call."

We thanked her and after a few more checkups, Lucifer and I headed back home to Hell. Cali estimated the date of the delivery in late September which means I'll have my baby in my arms after school starts. September better hurry its ass up.

Lucifer and I walked into his study. He sat behind his desk and I on his lap, placing an empty photo album down.

"Where are the boys?" I asked, opening the album to the first page.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Somewhere. I don't know."

"Envy's birthday is coming up soon," I said. "They're probably doing something for him."

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