Chapter 3

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Envy: *Running to the car* Ma, they following me, Ma! They following me!

Virago: *Fumbling with the car keys* Who?! Who following you?! 

Envy: The bugs!

Virago: *Drops the keys* The bugs? D:<


The white flakes piled on the ground, blanketing New York in snow. It was the first snow this winter. Looking out Lucifer's bedroom window, I watched the woods while it was covered in white. Later tonight, we're going to Hell to celebrate my return. It's the safest place I could be because Michael and every other Angel were weak there. I've been straightening my hair for the past thirty minutes and I still haven't finished half of it yet.

Last night, Pickles and Lyla were so confused to be in a different home. But as soon as they saw how big the manor was, they ran around everywhere. The Hellhounds welcomed them in and they clicked right away. Hades got so annoyed when I told him he has to live with seven more dogs, and that these dogs were Hellhounds. He's been hiding in my room the whole day, especially from Fluffy.

Fluffy thought he was food.

Lucifer walked inside as I started the other half of my hair. He smiled, kissing my neck and sat on the bed to watch me. I blew him a kiss and continued. The more sections I straighten, the more I look like my old self again. I used to have really long hair that reached my bottom. Sometimes, to keep it out of the way, I had to put it in a braid. My hair wasn't that long anymore though, it just reached the small of my back. I prefer my curly hair now, but tonight I kinda want to see my hair straight again.

After I straightened the last section, my cell phone started to buzz on my nightstand. I picked it up. This better not be another Scam Likely.


"Virago! Hi!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Cohne?"

Lucifer glared at my phone.

"I've been trying to contact you since Thanksgiving," Cohne replied. "I wanted to let you know that I mailed back the check you gave me. Your tuition was paid weeks ago."

"Wait, but how? By who?"

"It was anonymous, Virago. You're tuition-free for the rest of your college career."

My eyes widened. Who could've...?

I looked at Lucifer and he averted his eyes, taking interest in the falling snow outside. Oh, he thought he was so slick, doesn't he?

"I think I know who paid it. Thank you, sir."

"Ah, yes, of course."

Hanging up the phone, I robotically placed it down. I'm tuition-free. This felt like a huge rock has been lifted from my shoulders. Mami is going to be so happy! What am I going to tell her? My husband, I mean boyfriend paid it all off so now I can go to college for free? That's going to make her ecstatic.

Lucifer cleared his throat. "Virago, before you–"

"This entire time you paid it all off? Everything!"

"I also um..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I may have paid all your student loans too."

The student loans, the freaking student loans. My knees went weak. I sat down on the bed next to him in shock. It's all gone. Everything. All that debt.

I'm finally free from that Hell.

"I don't know if I should cry out of happiness or be mad that you paid so much money for me."

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