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Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Stefania's POV

I wake up to Danielle turning over facing away from me. I sit up and put my chin on her shoulder. "Good morning," she says quietly, still half asleep. 

"Good morning, bambina," I kiss her neck. Danielle rolls over to her back and looks up at me. 

"Are you ready?" I ask putting my hands on top of hers. 

"Five more minutes," she begs, putting her hands around my waist and pulling me to her. 

"Fine, five more minutes," I lay my head on her shoulder.

Danielle's POV

I open my eyes to the sun coming from the window. I look over at the clock on the dresser showing 11:32 am. I gently wake Stefania up. She lifts her head and looks over at the clock. "We said 5 more minutes," she laughs. 

I lean down to kiss her, but she puts her fingers to my lips. "Go brush your teeth," she smiles and lays her head back on my pillow. 

"Fine," I run to the bathroom and start to brush my teeth. Stefania comes up behind me grabbing her toothbrush. 

We both brush our teeth together. I turn the water on and spit my toothpaste out in the sink. Stefania does the same shortly after. I head into the kitchen and pull out two bowls of cereal for Stefania and me. 

Stefania walks up behind me, putting her arms around my waist. I set the bowls down on the table and turn around to face her. "Can I kiss you now?" I tease putting my hands on her hips. 

"If you must," she smiles and kisses me. I make the kiss linger, I release from the kiss and walk over to the counter grabbing the orange juice from the fridge. 

"What do you want to drink?" I ask looking around the fridge for something she would want. 

"Orange juice is fine" she pulls the chair out from the table and sits down. I pour two cups of orange juice and set them at the table with our breakfast. I sit across from her at the small circular table. 

"What plane are we taking?" Stefania asks taking her first bite. 

"Delta," I take a sip from my water and put my phone on the table. 

"Are you nervous?" she asks putting her leg around my mine that is tapping the ground. 

"A little," I look down at the bowl in front of me. "But I want to get it over with because I'm not ashamed of you and I want to tell them and If they have a problem then at least I know I'll have you," I look to put at her and watch her concerned face turn into a smile. She grabs my empty hand and fills it with hers. 

"Did you remember to tell Gio that you're going with me?" I ask taking another spoon full to my mouth. 

"Yeah," she looks down at her bowl and taps her feet on mine. I finish my bowl of cereal and I grab a cup of dog food for Jeff, who has been patiently waiting for her food. 

"Did you finish packing last night?" I ask putting my bowl in the dishwasher. 

"Yeah, I need to pack a bag for Jeff though," I turn around and lean against the countertop. I look over into the kitchen where Jeff's toys have exploded across my living room. Jeff runs up to my feet and jumps on my legs. I of course lean down and pet the fluffy dog until she runs back into the living room to play with one of the many toys on the floor. 

Stefania takes her last bite and walks over next to me to put her bowl away. I finish my orange juice and put the glass in the dishwasher. I take the bowl from Stefania's hands and put it on the top shelf of the dishwasher and start it. I sit on the countertop and she walks over to me standing between my legs with her hands on my thighs. 

"I'm glad you are coming with me," I smile and we put our foreheads together. 

"I don't know how I could spend any more time without you," a smile forms across her face and I lean in kissing her. I put my hand on the back of her neck softly and another around her waist. We stand there silently listening to one another breathe taking in the quietness and each other's company. 

We are both jolted from our thoughts by Jeff's bark. I quickly jump off the counter and press my body against Stefania's. "I'll go get our bags if you let Jeff outside," I suggest and she nods. I let go of her hand and she walks to the backdoor and I head to my bedroom grabbing the two suitcases and her purse. 

I grab our chargers and other stuff we might need for the road. I head the back door shut and Stefania walking into the bedroom. She grabs a small bag to put some of Jeff's stuff in. She throws a smile up at me and walks back out. 

I grab the bags and head to the living room. Stefania opens the back door and heads out to the car with Jeff. She pops the trunk for me to put our bags in and then opens the door for Jeff to get in the back seat. Stefania shuts the door behind Jeff and looks over the car to me. We lock eyes and I feel electric. What does this mean...

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