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Sunday, January 17th, 2021

"She is going to be the death of me," Danielle spoke while her girlfriend got out from her grasp to go get the crying baby.

"I'll be back. Don't kill over while I'm gone," The brunette joked, pulling her shorts up past her waist as they rested on the floor overnight. 

Danielle resting in their bed with the sounds of the cries coming from the baby monitor. Shortly after Gioia heard her mother's voice, they stopped picking her up and walking back to the bedroom with her in her arms.

The younger woman rested on the bed on her stomach, waiting for her girlfriend to come back and get back into bed with her.

The Italian made her way to her side of the bed while Danielle waiting in the middle on her stomach, not paying any attention to the woman that had a baby in her arms. 

Stefania laid down back into her spot, resting the baby on her chest. Danielle nearly didn't notice until she heard their child coo, making the younger woman's eyes shoot open.

"I was wondering why it didn't take you long to put her back to sleep," The blonde smiled while running her hand down the little girl's back.

"She said that she wanted to come and lay with us, so I brought her," Stefania smiled as her girlfriend rested her head on her shoulder as they laid in the middle of the bed.

"We need to get ready soon, we told Gio we would be over for breakfast," The brunette spoke.

"Yeah, I know," The younger woman spoke into her neck.

"I'm going to get her dressed and pack her bag," The older woman spoke as she sat up from her bed.


"I'll grab the carrier," Danielle spoke while opening the car door to grab their child. 

"Where did you put her bag?" The Italian spoke, looking around the backseat.

"Uh, it's in the trunk," Danielle looked up at her girlfriend with a smile.

The three of them made their way to the front door of the married couple's house, hand in hand, as they waited for them to open the door.

"Danielle!" The younger Italian man yelled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Gioia began to cry due to the loud noises that her uncle had made moments before.

"Good job," Danielle spoke sarcastically, looking down at the young girl who was balling her eyes out.

The three of them made their way inside the fairly large house, resting the car seat on the couch before taking her out.

"I'm still working on breakfast," Nichole spoke, tilting her head at the young child while she screamed.

"Gioia, please. Calm down," The blonde spoke, resting the young girl's head on her shoulder while bouncing her as she walked around the living room.

"Gio," Stefania smiled from across the room while the two of them watched Danielle with the baby. "How was your honeymoon?"

"Wonderful, honestly," He turned his head to face his sister. "I kinda didn't want to go at first, but I'm glad I did," 

"Why did you not want to leave?" The older woman asked, pinching the younger man's arm.

"Ow!" Gio spoke, replacing Stefania's hand with his own. "I had a feeling that you or Danielle would have a mental breakdown and need us, but oddly enough, you didn't. I'm proud,"

"You are an ass," The brunette rolled her eyes at her brother before turning her head back at the blonde and the little one. "Isn't she just hot with a baby in her arms?"

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