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Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

Stefania's POV

I wake up in Danielle's arms her hand over my back and my head buried in her neck with her other hand on Jeff, who is on the other side of her. I move my hand to her stomach and feel my hand move up and down while she breathes. 

I feel her move and looks over at me and we lock eyes. she squeezes me and looks over at the clock. "Are you going to set today?" she asks. 

"Yeah I have to, we have a table read for grey's, next weeks episode is a big one," I smile and lay my head back down on her shoulder. 

"Yeah me too. I think we will have one scene together but we aren't actually together," she says. 

"But I'll get to see you at the table read tonight," I smile drawing a circle on her stomach. 

"That's definitely a good thing," she says sitting up. I lean up against the bed frame and grabbing her hand. I let go and walk out of my room to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Danielle is getting dressed in my room so I change in the bathroom. 

 I walk out and see her coming out of my room. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal. "Want a bowl?" I ask. 

"Yes, please," I grab a bowl out and pour her some cereal. I grab some dog food out for Jeff and walk back to the table to eat. 

"Golden Puffs are the best way to start your day," Danielle says digging into her food. 

"Were you born in a barn?" I laugh watching her dig into her milk-filled bowl. 

"Shut up!" she says hitting my arm. I roll my eyes and finish my cereal.

Danielle's POV

I finish my cereal and wash my bowl out in the sink. I put my bowl in the dishwasher and head to the living room to grab my keys and my sweatshirt from last night. 

"You ready to go?" Stefania says with her purse in hand. 

"Yeah," I grab my keys and head outside letting Jeff once more. I head to my park and wave at Stefania before I head out. I turn on the music and drive out to my parking spot on set watching Stefania pull up next to me. 

 I get out of my car and wait for her at the end of mine. I watch her get out with a coat in one hand and her purse in the other. She walks up to me and we start walking to set. we walk out to my trailers. 

"Okay, I have to go, I'll see you later," she says walking away from me while I turn towards my trailer. 

"Goodbye," I say walking into my trailer alone. I walk in and out of the clothes in the closet. A station 19 work shirt and pants with the boots on the floor. I change and head out to set.

Stefania's POV 

I sit through the table read-only have a few scenes this episode. I walk out of the room and head to my trailer. I pull out my phone and look at some tweets while walking. I put on my pink scrubs and white coat. Putting pens in my jacket pocket and a pager around my neck. 

I head back out to the set and head to the radiology room. I grab my script and read over it from my chair labeled: Stefania Spampinato "Carina DeLuca". 

I read over my script trying to memorize my lines. I have three scenes today. An emergency C Section, ER, and a couple of scenes with Ellen and Bailey. 

"Onset everyone!" Ellen, who is directing this episode this week.

Danielle's POV

"That's all for now, take an hour lunch, there's food next door in the Grey's Anatomy Set!" Debbie yells. I walk over to Barrett and talk on our way to get food. We meet with the Grey's Cast and hurry to grab the good food before it's gone. 

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