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Thank you for 7k views and tons of votes/comments, it means a lot to me and keeps me motivated! This made me, very conflicted, and very tired. It is 3 am as I finished this. I am sleeping.

cw/tw: blood, torture- this gets pretty graphic, please read at your own risk.


Once Technoblade had reached the spot marked on the coordinates, he strung up his horse to a nearby sturdy tree. The location was strange, there was a shallow lake, and then nothing. A dirt hill was next to him, he almost jumped when he heard grunts. Techno's pink hair swayed behind him as he turned, watching a thin arm stick out of the dirt hill.

"That's a bit much."He commented, his voice just as monotonous as ever, Tommy was the one who had stuck his hand out, freezing once he heard a voice. He grabbed the diamond sword he ended up stealing a while back, before kicking the rest of the dirt out. After almost tripping, he looked at the man, who seemed to be just his height.

"Uh-UH"He stuttered out, wiping the dirt from his clothes,"Im Tommy?"He introduced, holding out a hand for the monarch to shake. Techno looked down at the hand, almost in disgust before gently shaking the boys hand.

"You wrote a letter to me, show me where you are located."The pink haired man said simply, tucking his arms into his cloak. Tommy slowly nodded and led the man into the hut, and then down into the ravine they were currently hiding out in. To Technoblade, the boy and the older man he had heard about were in a rough situation."Where's Cypress?"He asked, his voice was softer than it was a few seconds ago, Tommy paused.

"Tubbo, my friend, I spoke with him yesterday I think,"Tommy hesitated on telling the man, but he came all of this way, if not to help them then to see his mother figure. For some reason it felt wrong calling the woman mum in person, but he typically referred to her as mum or mother to Wilbur."Tubbo says the president has been using her as his own punching bag."He looked down at the floor. Tommy felt guilty, here he was doing nothing, nothing to help his mother. Techno felt his jaw tick and breathed out a sigh, silently apologizing to his friend.

"We won't get anything done if we just stand here. Start gathering materials."Technoblade thought for a second,"Do you guys have potatoes?"


The woman was seated in Shlatt's office, writing down all of his plans into a book and quill as his request. This had only started yesterday, slowly but surely her arms and legs were becoming more covered in bandages, if he thought she was going to pass out, He'd heal her with a potion and continue. Cypress assumed this was to quote on quote 'break' her. The black haired woman had a strong sense of self, everything she was doing were for her sons, her family. So she going to pretend to be broken, to be helpless. It would take the heat off of the rest of the L'Manbergians, or Manbergians, as it was renamed. Shlatt was speaking about a festival, to celebrate all the good work the nation had done since he was inagurated.  As much as she hated to admit, the goat man wasn't doing a bad job.

Sure, he could have malicious intents, but as of now he's only improved L'Manberg, bringing in a few new citizens as well.

"Make sure you write down to tax Niki more, this is a man's world."Cypress raised her eyebrow and shook her head lightly before writing it down. Shlatt noticed,"Do you disagree?"He asked simply, tucking his hands into his pockets."You'll be staying here tonight."He decided, she hesitated writing, she didn't trust the four men staying with her not to burn down her house."I'll send Sapnap to watch the house if you're concerned." His offer sounded a lot nicer than she had realized.

"But, we'll be having some fun tonight, lately this whole President bis has been throwing me off my groove, and since you ever so gratefully volunteered yourself, I'll be takin some steam off."Shlatt paused, gently leading her towards the door,"Be here by sundown, if you show up a moment too late, I'll make sure Tubbo is punished in your place."With that, he shut the door, causing the woman to let out a sigh of relief. With slightly shaky steps, she moved back to her house to possibly get more rest if possible, Tubbo was hanging out with a few large bees, he found a hive earlier and she helped him relocate it to a better area.

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