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tw/cw: blood, knives, wound descriptions, soft torture


"Well, That was easy."Chuckled Shlatt, his vice president, Quackity, chanting 'yes sir, yes sir' after every few words. Cypress held on to Tubbo, he looked a bit in shock, terrified.

"Things are going to change around here, but before that, Cypress, be a dear and join me on stage." The goat man spoke, a bigger grin forming on his face once Tommy and Wilbur started walking off of the podium. The woman sighed, quickly kissed Tubbo's head, before started to walk towards the stage. Her midnight cape flew behind her, Wilbur quickly past her, wishing the woman a silent good luck. The former President pulled Tommy with him before he got a chance to speak to his mother-figure.

Cypress' didn't bother picking up the silken dress, the ends fading to be transparent. Her axe was still secured safely to her back, she found comfort in the hard metal bouncing against her torso as she walked.  She pulled black gloves from her pocket, slipping them on. She didn't want the repulsive man to touch her skin. Quackity gave her an apologetic smile, the man still fearing the woman if not more now. Something about her blank expression put it off the wrong way. George came up beside her, using his hand and placing it on the small of her back. She was taller than the brown headed man. She complied.

"When I first agreed to run for President, I wanted change for this great country."He paused, holding the microphone and started to walk across the stage."And."He stopped,"And I decided to make my own little wager again good old Cypress here. She didn't agree. She is a apart of L'Manberg. My, L'Manberg, and if i've heard correctly, she's seen as an ambassador. As my new council member, and oh so trusted friend. She will be assisting me in my first decree." Once Shlatt finished, George moved his grip onto her upper arm, Cypress didn't move.

"My first decree as President of L'Manberg, the emperor or this great country. Is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit." The woman went still, she understood the reasoning for her being on top of the stage without her family, the reason why George, as well as Quackity was guarding her.

"George you'll have to forgive me."She says softly, before ramming her elbow into George's face. One look at George and Quackity had moved away from her as fast as possible. At this point she didn't care, she ran towards the edge of the stage before hopping off. Her landing was as graceful as she could manage. Seeing men point weapons at a child made her furious. Cypress gave a silent apology to Tubbo before running off, grabbing Tommy and Wilbur's hands, before sprinting off into the woods.

"Tubbo? Go on. Go find them, make sure they never come back."Shlatt snapped into the microphone, his pleasant smile still remaining despite all the happened.


Cypress was now dragging them as quick as she could until she couldn't hear any more shouts of displeasure. They probably hadn't stopped chasing, but they wouldn't find the two.

"You two need to go, now."She spoke with a heavy heart, Tommy was crying loudly, Wilbur was silent, he seemed dazed, but he was crying as well."Tommy you have to listen closely alright? I have a friend."She paused,"An acquaintance of sorts, he can help you."I whispered softly, pulling the boy into the tightest hug that I could."Write him a letter, tell him about all of this. Mention my name, okay? You have to mention it." She reminded, pulling his head away for a few seconds, before pressing her lips to his forehead."He'll help you two, but for now, take care of yourselves, make sure to eat, to find water. I'll watch here, we'll meet up, I can help you get supplies if you need. Everything will be okay, alright?"She asked moving to pull Wilbur into a hug as well, Tommy was cradled in one arm, the former president in the other. 

They were both sobbing, Wilbur was attempting to take deep breaths but they would catch in his throat and the air would come out in a choke. She paused for a second, reaching into her back pocket. There were five necklaces in her palm. Niki and her had created them for all the members of L'Manberg.

"I'll always be with you two."She promised, wrapping both necklaces around the two males,"Be safe, look out for each other."She continued,"You have to go, I can here them." Cypress looked behind her sadly, and watched the two boys slowly back away from her, before turning around and running. 

Punz, Hbomb and Quackity were the first people she saw. Cypress didn't care, the boys were gone, and they'd be safe.

"Where'd they go?"Quackity asked, holding up his crossbow to shakily aim at the woman. Cypress continued walking towards them, the two others holding their crossbow too. She didn't stop until the tip of the arrow was making a dip in her clothing.

"Do it Quackity. Shoot me."She says simply, fiddling with her own necklace in her pocket,"Shlatt won't be happy though."Cypress paused,"They're long gone by the way, there's no point in going after them." With that, the woman lowered the vice presidents crossboy, and walked right past him on her way back to L'Manberg.


Once she reached L'Manberg, she noticed the walls were slowly being torn down. Tubbo seemed to be hesitating until Shlatt used his 'persuasion' techniques, causing the brown haired boy to started tearing down the walls. Once the goat man saw her, his lips broke into a grin, leaving his pointed teeth on display.

"Cypress, how wonderful of you to join us, now, instead of working like a normal citizen."He spat, moving to stand by her side, teasingly leaning down. While she was 5'10, he was at least 6'3, on par with Dream's height. "I'd like you to be with me throughout the day, overall duties and decisions will be recorded by you, delivered to me, let's say a secretary of sorts, how's that sound Ambassador." He didn't wait for her to respond,"Good, I knew you'd say yes. Come."He place a hand on her lower back, pushing her towards the white house, where he now stayed.

Once we were inside, his attitude seemed to change. Cypress could tell, his voice and posture differed as soon as he locked the door behind him.

"Now that we're alone, we have a lot to discuss." Shlatt shoved her roughly into the chair, placing his hands on the arm rests, caging the woman into the seat. He was pissed off, the woman never cowered, she just sat there and took whatever he threw, it infuriated the goat man.

"For starters, if the work isn't done correctly, a few punishments are in need, correct? Bad behavior can't go uncorrected. There's no warning either."He paused, gently moving his hand behind her, gripping onto the handle of a knife she kept hidden. Cypress didn't move, she didn't stop him, didn't fight back. She would endure this horrible fate as long as she needed until her family was safe, and keeping Shlatt pissed off at her, at almost all times, seemed like an easy solution. The man was easy to anger.

"Like right now, you were suppose to stay up on the stage,"He carefully maneuvered his hand, taking her own arm with care. The goat pushed back her sleeve up until around her elbow, gently tracing the pale skin."Whoops."He says simply, taking his other hand to slowly cut her skin open. She black haired woman took in a sharp breath, biting onto her lip, but she never looked away from the man. Shlatt looked a little more upset.

"Make a fucking sound goddamnit,"He took his free hand, gripping onto her already wounded throat."I want you to beg for your fucking life."Shlatt spat, taking the knife, and tracing the wound he just made, pushing the wood deeper. This continued until Cypress saw white stars coat her vision. Shlatt, being ever so kind, kept her bloody arm away from the white dress, he'd hate to ruin such a nice piece of clothing. He eased up on the arm around her neck, hearing the woman take a gasp of breath. 

"Not only will you be my secretary, do you remember my promise to you?" He took a satisfied breath, dropping Cypress' arm."You might be my little pet for a while. Something I can take my anger out on. Is that okay with you?" Shlatt grinned at her, gently patting the woman who had half lidded eyes, he moved to a cabinet, pulling out bandages before wrapping her arm tightly,"I'll send someone to come help you soon."He says simply, moving to the door before turning his head.

"Oh yeah, Thank you for your consent, I'll see you later."

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