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I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

There are some things referenced from the masquerade chapter :)

*I'm placing it around the 1800's due to masquerades being popular around that time period*
*Note, I actually did like, three bits of math to find out which grandparent Aella would be, and it's only around 4? Which? Doesn't seem like that much but its around 240, which I  thought was fun.

Ive also updated the heights that were confirmed (Bad's, Techno's and Ranboo's) So if they seem taller or are described as taller, that is why.

The calm before the storm is a funny line.


Karl paced around the room, glancing towards his diary every so often. Giving into temptation, he picked up the two woven rings, shoving them into his hoodie pocket, before scrambling out of his cave. He knew for a fact Cypress was now living with Technoblade, seeing as the two were very close. Although he wasn't aware they lived in the middle of the arctic, the only quick way of getting there being the nether. Deciding to go through with it, he slipped on some gold encrusted shoes, which had been a gift from Dream. The time traveler was on odd terms with the masked man, Sapnap, a man who he adored, had stated several times the green hoodied man was no longer his friend. Karl respected this, and took it upon himself to not speak about Dream, or even talk to the man himself.

Karl wrapped a scarf around himself, tucking his body into one of the purple trench coats he occasionally wore. The man shoved his hands into his pockets, his fingers fiddling with the rings as he walked along the path leading to the nether portal. He made a side glance at the destroyed community building. After L'Manberg was destroyed, Tommy and Tubbo had left to form an area called 'Snowchester', made as a safe haven after the Doomsday war. Karl had spent so much time trying to prevent his friends deaths, and watching them, that he had sort of grown numb to the more popular events such as wars and battles.

As time went on, the cerise vines wrapped themselves along the buildings, taking over almost everything in its path. Karl wondered if Bad and Skeppy's mansion had been built over had been Sir Billiam's. His theories were slowly created red lines in his head, trying to piece together the past scenarios he had seen. Once again, his mind trailed off to his latest adventure, searching for clues, anything that could help him fix the future. Feeling the bitter cold nip at his skin he realized he had ended up in the snow coated mountains. Stepping out of the portal, he felt himself shiver. Karl wasn't sure how anyone could live in such cold, but of course a piglin hybrid, an enderman hybrid, and a past ghost living in the cold seemed to be the least concerning thing.

Karl walked for a while, occasionally checking his now working watch for the time. It was nearing midday, so hopefully that meant the air would start warming at least a little. The time traveler breathed a sigh of relief seeing the cottage, smoke pouring out from the top. He had never actually been to Cypress' home, and he hoped she was at least home to answer a few of his questions. He went to knock on the door when the clash of pots and pans started, followed by a familiar voice screaming sorry.

"Techno, I literally already told you, we can't keep kissing and hugging like this." Sapnap joked loudly, earning an equally loud groan from the pink haired man.

"I want to-" He raised his hands, mimicking a choking motion, causing the pyromaniac to laugh. Karl knocked on the door, only a few seconds later, the door swung open, revealing his close friend.

"Hey Karl!" Sapnap cheered, gripping onto the time travelers hoodie, dragging him inside the warmed house before pulling him into a tight hug.
"What brings you here? Missed me that much?"

"Well.. Yes, but I need to talk to Cy, do you know where she is?" Sapnap nodded, gesturing up the ladder.

"Yeah, she's been going through the entire house looking for some stupid rings. Techno's was gone too, so she's been panicking ever since she it went missing.." He trailed off, pausing a few seconds.
"Ranboo's been helping her look. A small warning, she hasn't been feeling great lately. We don't know why, but it's been getting pretty bad, barely lets us see her." Karl nodded as a thanks, giving a small hesitant wave to Technoblade, before climbing up the latter.

Ranboo was the first he saw, his arm elbow deep in a couch cushion, searching for what he assumed to be the rings. The hybrid notice him, giving a confused look, watching Karl's eyes move to Cypress, who was sitting on the floor, going through her belongings. Karl winced at how pale the woman looked, her skin was around the same shade of paper, looking almost sickly.

"Hey? Cy, can I talk to you?" He asked, holding back his urgancy. He watched her hands still in movement, before a small sigh came from the woman.

"I guess I should take a break, c'mon." She beckoned, walking up the ladder onto the third floor. Ranboo kept his eyes on Karl, his eyebrows knit into confusion, and then suspicion. As of late, the hybrid was never seen without  the woman, becoming overly protective of her, nearly blowing up every time something got close to her. Karl followed her up, keeping the shock from tone as he spoke. The woman had changed a lot, and he wasn't sure what to do. Instead of her normal greyed eyes, both were replaced to a wine color, almost akin to Technoblade's.

"Yeah.. it's pretty bad. Dream visited when I was unconscious. Woke up and now my eyes are just.. you know." She shrugged, not seeming to bothered. Cypress seemed off, in more ways than he could imagine. Karl moved to speak, the woman appeared taller too.
"Oh yeah, I'm also like, six feet tall now, isn't that crazy? Of course it's nothing compared to Ranboo or Techno, they're both like a foot taller than me, Ranboo more so."

"Cypress, please, I need to ask you something." He halted the woman's rambling, watching her eyes narrow slightly.

"I hope you're aware not to interrupt people, it's sort of rude Karl. I don't have to speak to you."

"I know, I'm sorry, I just have a few questions." He paused, watching her nod as a motion to continue.
"The rings, Sapnap talked about them, why are they so important?"

"Hmm.. My father gave them to me when I turned 18. They were my parents wedding rings, been passed down for a few generations now. I was told by my father that his.. uh" She paused for a second.
"His third grandma, so my fourth, grandma, had given it to her son. Or, someone did. Apparently she died early at some point. Of course, this is just passed down knowledge, so I wouldn't possibly know."

"Did you know her name?" Karl asked, wanting to be one hundred percent sure.

"Hm.. Well my dad says his family had a very deep love for names that started with A's, of course I differ, but if I had to guess it started with that." Karl blinked, breathing out a held in breath, he dug into his pockets, pulling out the two rings.

"Here, I found them on the side table in the main room." He set them into her hands, giving the woman a small smile.

"What? I checked there like.. four times?" She mumbled, slipping the one smaller ring on. The woman stood up, pulling the time traveler into a warm hug, pressing a kiss to his temple, before racing downstairs like a kid on Christmas. Karl rubbed between his eyes.
Would be telling her Techno's ancestors had murdered her own be a good idea? Karl decided against it, it's not like it mattered that much. 

Karl looked down the ladders, thinking bitterly about the future. He had seen bits and pieces and the only though his dismembering mind could come up with was about how this story was all a bit tragic.

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