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tw/cw: **POSSIBLE**
Blood, , cursing, mentioned alcohol, abusive/manipulative behaviors, descriptions of cuts

Hello! A small important note: As of right now, My Grandmother is experiencing covid-like symptoms, as is my sister. We are currently waiting on tests now, if they do come positive I might end up updating more as a means to distract myself, but they could end up being somewhat random. I do apologize for this.
My immune system in general, isn't the best, I'm almost always sick, usually just minor colds, but its a year-round thing so I've been putting a few extra precautions for my own health. I hope you are all holding in there, and it should all be okay soon.

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

Characters are bound to change my friends


It's an even number. and 69 is next, the golden number.


Cypress was currently passed out, her body draped across Techno's. Phil was out as well.

"Got any sevens?" Techno asked, moving through his cards, Sapnap shook his head.

"Nope, Go fish." He answered, leading the pinkette to pick up a card. With a grin, he slapped down his last two cards, signalling the end of the game.

"Oh fuck you." The ravenette grumbled, setting down his own cards.
"Dude it's almost the afternoon, probably should have slept more." He trailed off.

"That's unfortunate, Dream'll be here soon, give it two hours." Sapnap hummed in response, before glancing at the woman who was soundly sleeping, her hair sticking to her face in odd positions.  He smiled gently, before pushing himself up, stretching his arms up.

"I'm gonna go shower, there's one upstairs right?" He questioned, which led Technoblade to nod.

"Towels are under the cabinet." He informed, watching Sapnap climb up the ladder. Technoblade hummed for a few seconds, before gently shaking Cypress awake.

"C'mon, hopefully you're not too hungover." He mumbled to himself, shaking her a bit harder. He watched her eyes slowly flit open, her eyes seeming somewhat confused.

"I feel like shit." She muttered, taking the pinkette off guard. She wasn't one to always swear, much like him, but when she did it caught people off guard. Technoblade laughed lightly, helping her sit up,  rubbing her temples in hopes to ease her headache.
"Two bottles is a new record." She added.

Deciding it was a good idea, Technoblade reached over her, grabbing the glass of water he had made up a while back.
"C'mon drink, todays important." He requested, allowing the woman to drink from the cup before she pushed it away.

"It's fine, I'm all good now." She gave him a sleepy nod, before pushing herself up, almost falling over in the process. It took a few seconds to regain her balance, but after a few minutes she was standing perfectly fine. The pinkette found himself slightly jealous at how fast she could recover after drinking, Phil on the other hand was now awake, and struggling to stand.

"Phil, I'll go warm up some soup for you." She told the man, reaching her arm down to help steady him. She led him to the couch, helping him sit down, before leaving to go warm up food.

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