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tw/cw: mentions of of gods/religion tied topics, forced use of drugs(Cigarettes) 

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.



Cypress was a woman that was often seen playing games, almost always that game being chess. She was fond of the analytical and chaotic rules of the game. The sheer luck and skill that came to even winning a singular game that could go on for eternity. Perhaps that was why she was seated in her old house, barren and lifeless, playing chess with a faux god inside her head.

Technoblade, after the banquet, had ignored her for quite some time, even she didn't know why. Phil passed it off as business with the Syndicate, but even she could tell the older man was lying to her. Phil had been nervous, sweating when he spoke to her, almost as if he wasn't meant to speak to her at all, in general.

"My pawn... to E four please." The god requested, leaning back on whatever fake chair he rested on. Cypress moved his piece accordingly, moving her bishop. With a small hum, she sat back, eyes glazing over the pieces in a rhythmic pattern, focusing on weak points, strong points, anything she could possibly use to her advantage.
"You're pretty into this game. Ever try solitaire?"

The god seemed to have a wicked grin formed on his face while he requested another pawn to be shifted.

"I've never been good at card games. I played solitaire a lot while I was dead, if that's any information to you." She spoke casually, moving another one of her pieces.

"Hello? Pressy, you in here?" A voice called, opening the creaking door, which was brushed with ash and burnt holes in the wood.
"Are... you playing chess with yourself?" Ghostbur asked, tilting his head, his knuckles wrapped around a lead, his blue sheep friend 'baa'ing in wonderment.

"I was just cleaning up. What brings you here?" She questioned lightly, scooping the chess pieces in the box, avoiding the teasing gaze of the god as she did.

"I just wanted to say I am going to see Dream! and that if you could keep Friend safe for me while I'm gone." Ghostbur spoke gleefully, holding up the lead as if to exaggerate his point.

"And.. why are you seeing Dream? Didn't Sam prohibit people from entering?" Cypress questioned, walking away from the table, The Dream-like God following after her.

"Nope! Just a visit. I want to see inside the prison."

"he's lying." She heard a soft mumble in her ear, causing the woman to blink a few times before taking the lead from the ghost, Friend rubbing up against her hip.
"They're going to kill hiiim" DreamXD trailed off, half singing.

"Are you sure Ghostbur, I wouldn't be angry if you lied." The ghost looked about ready to explode.

"I'm- sure!" He joked out, giving her a tight hug, before running off in the direction of the prison. With a small sigh, she looked down at Friend, who simply baa'd in response.

"C'mon you two, we'll go for a walk." She mumbled exasperated, closing the door of her old home behind her. For some reason, she felt off, maybe not in a traditional way, but the god had been ever so clung onto her.

"Why didn't you stop the ghost?" Dream questioned, his voice hardening, it was often that the god's voice shifted into the lower octave, especially not with her.

"Watch your tone. Ghostbur's a ghost, he wouldn't be able to harm Dream."

"Watch your tone." DreamXD mocked back, pitching up his voice, earning a glare from the woman beside him.
"Where's your lover." He prodded, earning a grunt from the woman who tightened her grip on the lead, knuckles white.

"He's doing syndicate business. For someone whos against government, he sure seems to be making one." She complained. Quackity was walking down the path, moving to turn before he paused for a second, shifting his body and walking towards her.

"Hey, Cypress. Have you seen Technoblade?"

"God. For the last time, find him yourself. I'm not his little servant, his maid, I don't attend to every person who wants to talk to him." Cypress snapped at the Mexican man, causing him to hold his hands up in surrender.

"Woah- Chill, I was just asking. In fact, I can propose the same deal to you too. Dream has the revival book, right? I want it. Will you help me achieve that goal?" Quackity was almost certain she'd say yes. The green color coded man had caused her so much heartache.

"No. Of course not." She spoke, brushing past him, setting a hand on his shoulder.
"How about you tell me if Techno agrees, or," She paused, squeezing her nails into his skin.

"Or, you don't ask him at all, and this never happened." Quackity muttered a small curse, before a nod of agreement, causing the woman to release his shoulder.

"Smart choice." She spoke, finishing her strides past him. Friend seemed to be getting tired, so she gently pet the soft blue wool, before turning herself around, walking back towards L'Manberg, or what was left, and her house. DreamXD seemed odd, much less talkative than he was only a little bit ago. The glass covering the crater, which also inhabited the red vines, all of which crawled up the side. With a small sigh, she glanced up at the grid covering most of the sunlight, only shielding her her eyes when she walked into the few sun patches.

With a few blinks of confusion, she halted in her steps.

"Do you see him?" Dream piped up, arm coiled around her shoulder, she could sense the smugness in his voice. The two solid forms, as well as the faded one in her mind, made their way to a grave. Her breath picked up. Greyed smoke rose from the small room. Cypress' heart was beating faster than her mind could comprehend, her head splitting into a migraine. Friend baa'd in happiness, his hooves pattering against the stone.

Cypress felt heavy arms wrap around her, tears sprouting in the corners of her eyes. 

"Cypress." She heard his voice, the panic ebbing back into her body. The arms hugged tighter, pulling away, plucking a cigarette. The ravenette couldn't find the words to speak, her speech coming out in jumbled words and incoherent thoughts, stringing themselves together in intangible sentences. She felt something warm being popped between her lips, resulting in a quick cough.

"It'll help you relax, c'mon, deep breath."  The voice cooed softly, beckoning her back to him. With a soft shake of her head, more foot steps appearing behind her.

"No-" She heard Tommy whisper hoarsely, his gaze glued to his mother who just sat and stared in shock.

"This- This is my sunrise. See, look at it. Tommy, Cypress. This is mine. A new day, a new.. a new me. My sunrise."

Cypress felt as if her vision was blurring, Ranboo was beside her, sticking out an arm to steady the woman, obvious concern covering his facial features.

"Cy, Do you remember it. When you died. Oh the sunrise was so beautiful. I remember our years together, do you remember? How Dream plucked you from the station? The solitaire games? The chess, Schlatt, c'mon." The man was dressed in a trench coat, bloody wrappings around his shoulder, a curl of white hair located towards his front. She choked back a cry, nodding slowly, feeling her hands being grabbed, held in the cold hands of the revived man.

"Are you surprised to see me? I'm alive."

"Wilbur." Cypress struggled out, free flowing tears dripping down her paling cheeks, staining her skin in wet strands. She whipped her head around to stare at Tommy, who looked down in shame and undeniable guilt.

"What the hell did you do.."

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