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tw/cw: **POSSIBLE**

Slight cursing, there is in-depth detail to mental illness symptoms.

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings. 

I'd like to start off by thanking everyone from 200k on the book. Actually insane guys, and im so lucky to have been given this experience. This said, there is something somewhat important I'd like to say. So, the ending I currently have planned, in no shape or form, would work if I made a sequel. There is definitely the possibility that I do/don't make one. In the case where I do, said ending will be posted, but it isn't canon and I'll explain the details of the next book. 


After sensing no backlash from Dream, I was permitted to stay with Techno for 'as long as I see fit.' My son, who I had yet to see, and the pinkette were currently out in L'Manberg, feeding the dogs, which I learned was a growing army of hounds, as well as attempting to retrieve the older man's belongings. It had left me alone, brewing potions for the upcoming fallout that was bound to happen. Techno had shown me all the recipes of things he would need, his handwriting wasn't the best, but legible enough to make some sense of the words.

The two boys had been gone for quite a long time, a day and a half at most. It began to worry me the longer they were absent, it left me alone with the thoughts I had constantly driven out of my mind since I was resurrected. It became apparent that you are not able to die and be reborn the same. You come back, but you come back wrong. It is my own personal fee I pay for returning to the living.

I find myself hearing things when i'm alone. When described to Technoblade, he gave me a straightforward answer, comparing my experiences to the voices he had always heard. akin to his, mine now craved something. I wasn't sure if it was blood, the echoed voices tended to sound like the look of fog. Not exactly audible, but there was something there. I wondered if it had to do with being alive, another price to pay. Parts of me wished I had just stayed dead, but then I would have never gotten the eventual satisfaction that will come with murdering Dream.

 Being alone had allowed me some time with the muffled thoughts. The more I concentrated, the more the constant panicked voices filled my head. Many of them were simply 'Oh No' over and over again like a chant. Some were strange sounds of distress and emotional vulnerability. The constant cries of unknown people haunted every second I was without someone. Sometimes I wondered if I had enough taken from me. I knew I would never be the same, no matter how much I tried.

 I was now sat with the doors open, hoping to chill my heated skin. It was beginning to grow dark again, marking the second day Techno and my son who had been obviously avoiding me, were gone. Part of me wanted to be kind to myself for a while, seeing as we did in fact have a kitchen, I grudgingly picked my tired body off the floor, stumbling over. There were times you had to put extra care into yourself, run a bath with a soap you enjoy, let yourself being pampered.

Cooking a meal and then eating alone wasn't exactly the most comforting, but the idea had initially made me feel better. Food prep was always something that had allowed myself to become calm, creating a peaceful environment. One of the discs, which Technoblade had given me, was playing the background. It had always been my favorite one, 'Wait'. the blue inner rim had brought more comfort that I had thought it would. I heard a few soft knocks at the front door. I shoved the slices potatoes into the pot, before going to open the door.

"Well.. That's odd." The man said at my door, pushing my shoulder so he could step in.
"I've actually never been here, and instead of Technoblade, I find you. Interesting."

It was Dream, I breathed out a soft sigh, being alone with the voices was much better than being with Dream. I stepped across the room, moving back to the pot.


"It's a holiday home, what can I help you with? Dinner will be done in a few minutes if you'd like to stay." She didn't bring up her son, figuring it was better to leave his name unspoken. She heard shuffling and a hum, and felt the man standing behind her.

"I'm looking for Tommy actually." He explained, moving to lean against the marble counters, watching the woman dice up vegetables and dump various seasonings into the pot.

"Tubbo," She faked a choke gasp,"Tubbo told me he was dead? Is he?" Dream gave her a side glance, before nodding.

"I believe he's alive. I mean there's a possibility he's dead, but I don't think he has the guts to do that." Was all the man said. Dream had seen Tommy just twenty minutes ago, he was testing whether or not the woman knew about it or not. Ranboo's memory book had detailed explanations on what happened when she left, it was entirely possible she hadn't seen her son. Even from his own expertise, he felt as if her words were true, and took them.

Dream watched her hands move up to the top cupboard, pulling out two porcelain bowls. Seeing as he had yet to eat, he decided he'd stay for dinner. The woman passed the hot bowl to him, giving him the warning it was hot. She took her own bowl, and sat on the floor where she previously was.

"How have you been?" She asked, wanting to spark a conversation despite despising the man. A headache slowly started forming the back of her head, begging for the woman to kill him where he stood. She shook it off with a small grunt, shoving the burning liquid into her mouth to distract herself.

"I've been.. good." He answered, taking a spoonful of the soup into his mouth, pleasantly surprised when the savory broth hit his tongue.

"Since it's just us, would you mind taking the mask off. I mean no offence, but it's much easier to talk to a face." Cypress heard a hum in response before the clicking of buckles filled the silence. The man now had a thin scar across his nose, sticking out amongst the milky skin dotted with freckles. Despite being an awful man, she could admit he was attractive. She wasn't that attracted to him due to recent events, but he was good looking.

"I never noticed how brown your hair was, I always thought it was blond." The woman commented, dipping a piece of buttered bread into the broth, offering the loaf to Dream who gratefully took it, cutting a piece off for himself.

"It's changed a bit after being inside more." He laughed, eating another spoonfull. Despite everything, this interactions felt oddly nice to the woman. Almost as if he hadn't threatened and manipulated her children. It felt normal somehow.

"This is probably a bit late, and I don't exactly apologize to just everyone. I do believe we can forge some kind of relationship, an allyship possibly. I've been keeping Technoblade alive, and I was hoping to extend the offer to you as well. I can offer you protection, but we'll have a sort of ally situation. When I help, you'll owe me a favor and vice versa." He proposed. the woman hummed for a few seconds.  

There were definitely pros and cons, and the constant voices were split between yes and no's, rapidly causing a migraine to take over. She grumbled, rubbing her temples, before thinking it through.

"How about I get back to you on that Dream. For now, acquaintances." 

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