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tw/cw: , existential and depressive  themes, possible wound description, gore

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

I'm going to upfront and honest, im having a pretty shit like whole month and im really sorry if updates tend to be less. I'm more so sorry for this chapter because im using it as a way to vent out any sort of negativity nowadays. Theres a soft part at the end though

Do you remember when people voted for her to go off the rails? me too.

ooo, a first person chapter, those don't happen often

Found out she was dead for 6 years in the time dilation, pretend I mentioned this


I had barely slept aside from the hour or two after crying. My mind was jumbled, pain quickly enveloping my body like a nightmarish cocoon. My arms were sore, my left more so. I glanced down, my nose scrunching at the burnt and raw looking skin standing out from my normal skin color. Techno was fast asleep, his head tucked into my shoulder, pink hair tickling my neck. I grunted out, opening my mouth and pulling a strand of hair from it, shooting a small glare to the sleeping man.

With another grunt, I shifted my body away from him, wincing as my feet pressed onto the ground. I wasn't sure where I was exactly. Somehow, I had gone through multiple versions of this moment, small details different. Sometimes instead of Techno, who claimed to be my Techno, Dream was laying beside me. Or Niki, sometimes table lamps would be slightly shifted to a certain direction. it was an endless cycle, repeating itself like a broken record, trapping me into a void of foreverness. When Dream revived me, I had been alive, beforehand, I was in what we called the void. It was endless, you could walk on it, lay on it, except it wasn't. It was just floating with the same motions. Schlatt had been there. Commenting on the horns that protruded from my head, akin to my adoptive sisters, my adoptive sons, and his own.

I had been close to cutting off chunks of my skin to remove them. Schlatt convinced me otherwise. There was someone who went by MD, a man who seemed like Quackity and Dream combined. The man had offered me an empty tequila bottle. Wilbur, was there as well, sitting, playing solitaire, sometimes joining into our poker and chess matches. Despite being dead, being ripped apart and constantly put back together, it was oddly peaceful. We couldn't hurt each other, we were all dead. Of course it was until Dream, or some Dream-like amalgamation had ripped me from my deceased friends, and placed me right into the basement.

Time grew fuzzy after that, I felt older, weak, it was something I kept to myself, I had been the first person ever brought back to life. Through many sleepless nights and dreams, I'd find myself flitting between timelines, much more accurate than I would have preferred. I wasn't sure if it was a side effect, which is why I had never mentioned it to my friend. Seeing him die countless times would permanently scar me. I had seen him die once before, but watching his body torn to shreds, stabbed, his entrails gouged out by vengeful teenagers. Anvils crushing him, watching his bones split and snap from his body, my own body being unable to fix anything.

I had watched my children die, Dream murdering them next to me, blowing Tommy's body up into unrecognizable chunks. People I had cared about dying at my feet every time I tried to sleep, it was then I had given up. Strange things started happening after that. The horns grew, red vines started coating everything in thick bundles. When I had found Tommy and Tubbo cornered by Dream, that had been the last feeling of dread. Living through countless timelines would make you numb to threats, especially if you knew how they would end. Of course, being a good actress would make anyone believe you.

The cell, the pieces of the egg, had worsened how I was feeling. Bad, a demonic man, had been one of the roots to this, supplying Dream with the diabolic shard. It had a way of convincing people, part of myself was convinced that it was doing me good, that it would help me. Although this wasn't the case, eventually it had unwrapped it's tendrils from my mind, leaving me in front of my house.

A few gentle knocks hit the door, causing my dazed expression to fade, my eyes moving towards the door. With a huff, I pushed myself up, groaning at the dull aches that shot through my legs. Hobbling over to the door, I opened it, revealing Tubbo and Ranboo, both looking nervous.

"Mum, hey, so, some news, Technoblade told us about you adopting Ranboo, update, you can't.." He trailed off, glancing up at the taller teen, who looked equally terrified.

"We want to get married, but, platonically, right? Like.. you and Technoblade." my son continued, I raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two.

"Technoblade and I aren't married, platonically nor romantically." I pointed out, sniffling slightly because of the cold air.

"I mean like- Ranboo, Ranboo, back me up old pal." Ranboo gave Tubbo an appalled look, looking down at me.

"I- uh.. uh- Uh- So, like, living together, but, platonically? Like, living.. together?" He repeated, scratching the top of his head
"I know you wanted to adopt me, I'm very thankful but I'll have to say no.. but, but, if I married Tubbo, you'd be my mother in law? or, adoptive mother in law, you know, by law? Because your Tubbo's mom, and I would've asked his dad, but he doesn't have a dad- Unless Technoblade counts- besides the point- but I don't have parents at all, and I proposed to Tubbo, and im asking your blessing for your sons hand in platonic marriage." Ranboo gasped out all in one breath, pulling out a stack of paperwork.

"Tubbo, does he make you happy?" I asked, patiently taking the papers and glancing at them, rubbing my forehead in exhaustion.  Tubbo nodded furiously, practically bouncing up and down.
"Where's Tommy? Does he know?"

My son looked guilty all of a sudden, slowly shaking his head,
"No, he's been busy with Sam Nook and his hotel, you should really come see it sometime. With Dream in prison there's no threats right now."

I hummed, drawing a pen from the dining room table, signing anything that required my name. Seeing as they were both minors, they still legally needed permission. I wasn't sure who handled the law nowadays, now that I thought about it, it might've been Tubbo.

"Sure, you can platonically marry my son." I spoke, handing it back to the taller man who looked ready to burst into tears. Ranboo paused for a second, abandoning his soon to be platonic spouse, crashing my body into a hug. I felt small droplets fall on my shoulder, the hybrid man wincing as they fell, crying into my clothing.

"Thank you- I didn't... I was worried you'd say no." He whimpered out, clutching onto the fabric, his back hunched over to reach me. I breathed out a small sigh, brushing his tears away before petting his hair, flattening the multicolored locks.

"Thank you.. mom." He tested, another cry coming from his throat.

"Anytime Ranboo, take care of Tubbo for me."

 My last words seemed like goodbye.

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