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【Arc 6】

【The End?】

"Someone will remember us, even in another lifetime."


Mice on Venus - C418


tw/cw: None :)

Phil was a man of many words. He was a man who had his own ties to the goddess of death, to the people around him, to nature itself. But, still, he was only something akin to man. Cypress and him were laying on the ground in silence, something peaceful, tranquil. Many times over he wondered if it was the right call to revive her. He wondered if they hadn't, what would have happened to her. He'd doubt the heartache would have ever happened.

Phil felt as if he was the one to blame. Originally, he had been the one to bring up the solution to her death, attempting to repair the damage his son had caused. His family was strange, cracked and bruised at the edges, their own reality putting the natural world into shambles. By all accounts, nothing truly made sense, but perhaps nothing made sense in the first place.

Her question, about love, had offset him. He was no expert, even he was waiting for someone to return to love him properly, in a way they hadn't been able to before. Phil didn't think he'd be waiting for all of eternity, but there would be so much time until he was able to see his love again, see her for the first time. Phil longed for love, one that he could savor for the rest of time, something he could share indefinitely with another person with no doubt in his mind that it was faux.

Cypress and Technoblade had already found that kind of love, no matter how often they wished to deny it, they were chained to each other through years of memories and unspoken thoughts. Even laying beside the woman, who tried so hard to convince herself that Techno had left because of her, was unable to deny the fact that he loved her. That despite it all, it would always be them against the world.

Love is a strange concept.

It is only strange because those who are familiar with it cannot define it into feelings or thoughts. It is simply, love, at that is the easiest explanation you can ever give. You can call it fireworks, colorful explosions whenever you see or touch whom you love. Love looks like compassion, without judgement or worry of your mistakes. Love is selfless, and incontrollable, something you can find solace in during times of need, or times of pain. Love is waking up in the middle of a field of yellow grass with the last rays of the sun keeping you just warm enough to want to stay there forever. It is love that in the darkest of times, when it feels as if the world is on your shoulders, can make you feel as though maybe everything will be okay. It is the reassurance, hope, and faith and a reminder that at the end of the day everything will be okay and that with each new day comes yet another chance to start all over again. Love is messy, scary, anxiety-ridden

Love looks like a watercolor sunrise, in which from afar you see pure beauty, but upon closer examination, you see delicate, fascinating imperfections, and no matter how hard you try, those tiny imperfections captivate your entire being.

Love is an action. Love is a choice. Love is a feeling . Love is the sweetest part of life. Love is forgiveness. Love is giving. Love is being open to new possibilities. Love is about compromise. Love is butterflies in your stomach. Love is knowing you would die to save your loved one. Love is the feeling of home. Love is letting your guard down and opening yourself to being vulnerable. Love is hard to find but easy to give away. Love is a struggle but it is also life's biggest pick me up. Love is sometimes unconditional and sometimes fleeting. Love is blind. Love is the best form of happiness. When you love someone you give them your time, and attention on good days and bad. Love is as much about giving as it is about receiving. Love is not all things shiny and gold. Love is eternal. How you love is who you are.

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