Chapter 29

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As Zoya, Aditya and Arjun reached the Hooda House, Zoya immediately stepped out of the car and ran to her room. Aditya took a deep breath and Arjun looked at him.

"Bhai?" called out Arjun.

Aditya looked at him.

"Are you okay?" asked Arjun.

"Nothing is wrong with me, Arjun. I don't know how will I explain this to Zoya", said Aditya.

"Bhai, explain to her calmly. I am sure she will listen", said Arjun.

"Hmm. I am going to her. You go and take rest", said Arjun.

Arjun nodded but he decided to be in the living room until everything sorted out. Here, he can't deny that even he was wrong as he hid this from Zoya. His Zoya Bhabhi was too innocent to hurt anyone or let anyone get hurt. And even he was angry when Aditya told him that Rajveer planned the accident. So, he decided to not to say anything.

Aditya entered the room and saw Zoya sitting on the bed staring at their photo on the wall. He didn't know how to explain it to her but he would try his best. He went to her and was about to say something when she started speaking.

"Is it true that you tortured Rajveer?" asked Zoya.

Aditya didn't say anything, but nodded his head in a yes like a scared child. Zoya chuckled without showing any emotion on her face.

"When you came to my home to meet me, I thought that you are very kind hearted man who respects everyone, and I wasn't wrong. When I came to your office for the first time, I thought that you are very strict with your employees. But I was glad that it was only for your employees. When I married you, I thought that you are someone who will love me immensely. But after the accident, why do I feel that I am seeing a different Aditya?" spoke Zoya.

"Zoya, I know that you are upset. But listen to me once. I am sure you will understand it", said Aditya.

"I have been listening to you, Aditya. I do that always", said Zoya.

"I know, Zoya. I also know that you have always forgiven me for every mistake of mine. But this time, I am sorry that I don't regret whatever I did to Rajveer", said Aditya.

Zoya looked at him. He sat on the bed beside her.

"Six months after your accident, Rahul told me that it was Rajveer who planned your accident. He wanted to make me suffer by hurting you. I was shocked, Zoya. I didn't know why he wanted to see me in pain, in fact, I still don't know. But why did he drag you in this? I wouldn't have said anything had he not hurt you. He was the one who was threatening me during our wedding. He was the one who kidnapped you. He was the one who had tried to kill me..." said Aditya.

Zoya kept her hand on his mouth and nodded in a no, signalling not to speak further. Aditya removed her hand from his mouth with a smile.

"You cannot even listen to me when I talk about dieing, then I saw you fighting for your life. Do you know what were the thoughts that I had? The doctor had said that there are chances that you might have a memory loss. I was scared, I was scared that what will I do if you forget me?" said Aditya.

"But Aditya, why didn't you think that it is better if you hand over Rajveer to the police?" asked Zoya.

"He has connections, Zoya. And I didn't want him to roam freely after what he did to you", said Aditya.

"That doesn't give you the right to take the matter to your own hands", said Zoya.

"What was I supposed to do? We lost our unborn child because of him. I would have freed him if he told me the motive, but he refused to do so", said Aditya.

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