Chapter 35

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The next morning...

Zoya was sleeping with her head on Aditya's chest and his hands were wrapped around Zoya. But her sleep was disturbed when the rays of the sun hit her face. She groaned and opened her eyes to find herself on Aditya's chest. She smiled lazily and dropped a kiss on his cheek. He smiled in sleep feeling her touch. She got up and went to get fresh. When she came out, Aditya was still sleeping.

"Aditya, get up", said Zoya.

Aditya didn't wake up, instead, he covered his face with a duvet. Zoya shook her head at this. She went near him and snatched the duvet from him making him whine.

"Are you getting up or shall I go for breakfast?" warned Zoya.

Aditya opened his eyes with a frown and requested, "Baby, please let me sleep."

"Aditya, did you forget that you have to talk to Rahul regarding Rajveer?" asked Zoya.

Aditya sat on the bed with a jerk and spoke, "Damn! Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I will get late."

He rushed to the bathroom while Zoya stood there confused by his antics. More than two years of their marriage, yet, his antics were out of her understanding. Shaking her head, she got ready. They both had breakfast with their family and then Aditya and Arjun left to talk to Rahul.


Zoya was in her room checking some mails on her mobile phone when Aditya entered the room and jumped beside her, startling her.

"Oh! You came back!" exclaimed Zoya.

Aditya nodded with his closed eyes and rested his head on her shoulder.

"I am very tired", spoke Aditya.

Zoya caressed his hair and dropped a kiss on his forehead.

"What did Rahul tell?" asked Zoya.

"Rajveer will be behind the bars, soon. Rahul found the man who was driving the car when it hit you. He has confessed that Rajveer was behind this. And do you remember that some people kidnapped you?" asked Aditya.

Zoya nodded in a yes.

"I had told Rahul to not to let anyone escape but a person had escaped from there. Now, he is ready to give his statement against Rajveer. Finally, everything will be sorted", said Aditya.

Zoya smiled and nodded in a yes. Aditya smiled and kissed her forehead.

A few weeks passed and everything was fine in Hooda House. After Arjun and Noor's wedding, everything was going fine in Hooda House.

It was a Sunday and Anjana had organised a small gathering of her friends to introduce Noor to them. Zoya was in the kitchen looking after the preparation of food. After assuring that everything is good, she went to the living room and collided with Sanjana. She ignored her and made her way towards her room. Aditya was in the office as he was in no mood to listen to the ladies gossips. Zoya got ready and walked to Noor's room to check upon her. As she entered the room, she saw Noor struggling to pin the saree.

"Noor, you are still not ready?" asked Zoya.

"Appi, this saree is getting more and more difficult. I am not going to wear this again", said Noor with a pout.

"I'll help you", said Zoya.

Zoya helped Noor in getting ready and they both went downstairs to greet everyone. They all blessed Noor and indulged themselves in talks. Anjana called for Zoya.

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