Chapter 16

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for your support on this story. It really means a lot to me.

Here we go with the story...

It was 2 in the night and Aditya was sleeping. But it seemed like something was disturbing Zoya. She was sweating and mumbling something in her sleep.

Zoya spoke in sleep, "Please don't hurt me. Please. It's paining. Please."

Aditya was awaken by her mumbles. He switched on the lamp and saw that Zoya was sweating profusely in her sleep and mumbling something. He tried to listen a few words.

Zoya was speaking in sleep, "Aditya, please help me. They will hurt me. Please."

Aditya realised that she must be having a nightmare as today's incident had affected her badly. He gently patted her cheeks.

"Zoya, baby wake up. Your Aditya is with you. No one will hurt you. Wake up", said Aditya.

Zoya started shouting in her sleep, "Leave me. Please leave me."

Aditya got tensed and again tried to wake her up.

"Jaan, open your eyes. I am with you. Look at me", spoke Aditya.

Zoya opened her eyes and sat on the bed with a jerk. Her hair were wet because of sweat. Her face was sweaty and body trembling. She looked at Aditya who was looking at her worriedly. For a few seconds, she was staring at him as if she saw him for the first time. He cupped her cheeks and wiped the sweat.

"What happened, baby? Did you see a bad dream?" asked Aditya as if he were talking to a kid.

"You won't leave me, right?" asked Zoya, innocently.

"Where will I go if I leave you? I cannot even think about leaving you", said Aditya.

Zoya buried her face in his warm chest. She wrapped her arms around his torso. He also hugged her back protectively.

"You know when those people had kidnapped me, they were talking to their boss. They were also telling that if you don't find me in 2 hours then they will rape..." She wasn't able to speak further.

His hold on her tightened after hearing this. He would never leave her alone now.

"I wasn't able to think anything properly. I was just praying to God to send you or else I would have killed myself", said Zoya.

"Don't even talk about dying. You know my everything resides in you. If something happens to you, then I won't be able to live as well", said Aditya.

"I really don't want to go away from you", said Zoya.

"No one is sending you away from me. You are with me. Or I can say you are stuck with me forever. Like life imprisonment", said Aditya.

"Then I don't want to be out of this prison. It is the safest place for me", said Zoya.

"Listen, I know you were hurt about what Sanjana said. But dont take her words seriously. Now she won't talk to us", said Aditya.

Zoya came out of the hug and looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"But who is she? I asked you this before also. But you never answered me", complained Zoya.

"We studied together in college. She was just a friend, nothing else", said Aditya.

"Then why that day your friend was telling that she proposed you?" asked Zoya.

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