Chapter 21

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Hey guys! How are you doing? Here we go with the chapter.

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Aditya and Zoya went to the Orphanage which Zoya wanted to visit. The kids shouted in joy as they saw Zoya. She greeted all the kids happily and went to meet the care taker of the Orphanage. Aditya distributed the gifts that they bought for the kids. The kids also met him happily. After that, Zoya showed him all the places of Mussoorie. They shopped for themselves and their family members. It was almost night when they reached home. As they both were very tired, they decided to get food from a restaurant and eat at home.

"Zoya, you go in. I will come after getting our food", said Aditya as they both were standing at the gate of the house.

"I'll also come with you", said Zoya.

"But just now you told me that you are very tired. Don't worry, I'll come in half an hour. Till then, you get fresh or talk to our families", said Aditya.

"Okay", said Zoya.

Zoya went in the house and laid down on the couch of the living room, feeling tired. She decided to talk to Anjana or Roshnaq. But before she could call any of them, she received Noor's call. As soon as she picked up the call, Noor screamed in happiness, "Appi!"

"What happened Noor? Why are you shouting?" asked Zoya.

"Tell me, when are you coming back?" asked Noor.

"After 3-4 days. Why? What happened?" asked Zoya.

"After you come back, I want to tell you something very important", said Noor.

"Can't you tell me now?" asked Zoya.

"No. I want you to be present in front of me, then only I'll tell you", said Noor.

"Ok, fine. How are Ammi and Abbu?" asked Zoya.

"They are good. They have gone to Salim Chacha's house to meet him. They'll be back after sometime", said Noor.

"Ok", said Zoya.

As they were talking, she heard a knock on the door.

"Noor, I guess Aditya is here. I'll talk to you later", said Zoya.

"Ok, Appi. Bye", said Noor.

"Bye", said Zoya.

She disconnected the call and went to open the door. She saw a man and asked, "Yes?"

"Ma'am, the man who was wearing white jacket and blue jeans was your husband?" asked the man.

"Yes", replied Zoya.

"A car hit him", said the man.

Zoya was shocked and uttered, "What?"

"Yes Ma'am, I came to tell you this only", said the man.

"Where is he? Is he okay?" asked Zoya.

"I won't be able to say anything. Please come with me", said the man.

Zoya immediately went with the man. All the thoughts of the previous incidents came to her mind. They reached a dark room which had no lights.

"Where is Aditya?" asked Zoya.

"I'll come in a minute", said the man.

The man left from there after locking the room from outside. Zoya turned to that side by hearing the noise of the door but nothing was visible as it was dark.

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