30 - Happy Birthday Princess!

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*Quick A/N: There will be a lot of smut in this chapter. It will all be in italics, that way if you feel uncomfortable reading smut. You can skip those parts!*



I woke up in a pool of sweat and couldn't breathe.

That was one of the most realistic dreams I've ever had in my life. But they say that dreams can always become a reality, which scares me even more.

What if I am pregnant? I haven't been feeling very good lately and It's not like It's impossible for it to happen.

Me and Sam have done it a couple times without a condom. And lately, I have sort of been feeling like shit. So right now I am a little scared.

This can't happen. 

I jumped out of bed and didn't even bother to get ready. I went and brushed my teeth and grabbed my keys off of the counter.

I had to go get a pregnancy test and put myself to rest. 

I jumped into my car and drove to the next town over. I would die if I ran into someone I knew.

I pulled up to this little convenient store off the highway and ran inside. Pulling my Hood over my head, I  walked straight to where they were.

"Vee?" Someone's voice called out behind me.

Fuck. This would happen. 

I slowly turned around and seen Brock standing behind me.

"I'd know that ass anywhere. What are you doing here?" he said as he slowly walked up behind me.

"Uh, I'm grabbing something to eat," I said back to him. I shoved the pregnancy test into my pocket and walked over to find some snacks.

"Why are you way out here? You know that There's a liquor store next to your house right?" He said and grabbed the bag of chips from my hand, "I'll pay for you."

"No, It's okay. I got it," I took them from him and grabbed a water bottle and ran up to the counter.

I threw the cashier the pregnancy test and then put everything else on the counter.

"Can you ring that up and throw it in a bag really fast please?" I said and kept my eyes down. 

"Yeah sure thing, " he did that fast and then started ringing up everything else. 

"So Vee, you'll be at that party tonight right?" Brock said as he walked up behind me.

I quickly threw the guy $20 and grabbed my stuff, "keep the change."

"Duh, It's my birthday. Why the fuck wouldn't I be there?" I said to him and ran back out to my car.

That was close. I hope he didn't see anything. If he did, I know he wouldn't be able to keep a secret.

I drove back to my house and ran into my bathroom.

I read the instruction label and took a deep breath and did exactly What it told me to do.

And now we Wait.

I grabbed it and made sure to grab all of my trash. There's no way I would want my mom seeing anything. 

I went back down to my room and laid in my bed, just waiting.

I hope this isn't real. Me and Sam have been really distant since Chicago, so I don't know how he would take it if it was real. 

We've been home for a week and he hasn't even come over. All of the other guys have been in and out of my house And Sam hasn't been over once. But Maybe It's for the better.

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