1- Reunited!

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It was a Friday Night and I spent it alone, again. I don't have any girl friends and my only other friends are all guys and sadly they weren't home.  I am used to this though, ever since Jack, Jack, and Sammy blew up big, they haven't been home very much.

It's about 5:30 and I'm sitting in my basement/bedroom, playing video games and getting higher than a kite. Something I normally do with the boys, but since there's no them, I do it by myself.

I was going in on some zombies when my computer made a noise saying that I got an email.


Chris took me and the kids on a sudden trip to Hawaii.  Sorry I didn't let you before, he surprised me at work and said that we're leaving tonight. We'll be gone for 2 weeks. I put $1,000 in your account. Watch the house,  make sure Nothing gets burned down and stay out of my room. 

Love you,


Well that explained why the house was so quiet upstairs. She always goes on Vacation without me, which I didn't mind. I liked being home without her.

I sat back down on my couch and decided that I'd just take a nap Since I have Nothing better to do.  I laid there and began to drift away.

*Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong*

My eyes shot open and I ran upstairs. I knew exactly who it was at the door. No one ever rings the door bell that way. I ran to the door and just as I was about to open it, it flew open and hit me in the face. 

"Ow!" I said and rubbed my face. 

"Oh shit, Vee! I'm so sorry!" Johnson said as he helped me up and  gave me hug. 

"Oh my gahd! Is it really you? Or what is this?" I couldn't help but let a tear escape my eye.  I missed him so  much.

"Aha I'm here and starving! I hope Mom bought Good stuff!" He let go of me and pushed past, making his way toward the kitchen.

Of course he would miss the food in the kitchen more than he would miss me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yeah, Good thing she stocked up, she's gone for 2 weeks."

Jack pulled out a big bowl and made himself a bowl of cereal and then we both made our way downstairs.

"So, tell me, How was LA!? Where's Gilinsky?  And Sammy?" I started to ramble and asking so many questions. I couldn't help it. I missed him so much. What else was I supposed to do?

"One thing at a time, young grasshopper." he smiled and drank the milk from his bowl and then put it down on the table. "Speaking of grass," he motioned toward the half of blunt laying on my table.

"Oh Yeah, go ahead," I laughed.  He lit it and we began to talk. He told me about everything he did and how him and Gilinsky are getting ready to go on tour.

"So when do you guys leave?" I asked after a moment of silence.

He took the last hit of the blunt and leaned back. "Not for a month. Don't worry, we're here for a while. We miss you too much to just come and go." he smirked at me and closed his eyes.

"Oh gahd, don't be such a queer," I pushed his arm and  sat next to him. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and closed my eyes too.

"WHASSUP FUCKERS!" Gilinsky yelled, scaring both of us.

"Finnegan!" I jumped up and gave him a hug. I've never been so happy to see him too!

"Whatsup baby Vee! I fucking miss you!" he spun me in a circle and laughed.

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