25 - Blood Boils

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"Morning princess," Sammy whispered into my ear.

A smile crept across my face, "Morning baby."

This is the 4th morning in a row that I've gotten to wake up next to Sammy and it's never felt so good. Waking up next to him wasn't the same as waking up next to Taylor. Sammy was so cute waking up, always with a bright smile and small kisses everywhere.

"Babe, can you calm yourself," I smacked his arm as I felt something poke my butt.

"Sorry baby. Even in my sleep, you find a way to get me," he smiled and rolled on top of me. He playfully placed a bunch of kisses all over my face, causing me to roll and fuss around underneath him.

"Sammy stop!" I squealed as he kissed lower onto my collarbone and started to tickle me.

He stopped and came back up to my face, "I'm sorry princess."

He looked deep into my eyes before crashing his lips into mine. He kept one of his hands above my head, holding himself up. And the other made its way down to the hem of shorts.

"Sam," I stopped his hand before it could go any further, "we can't."

"Why. Baby?" he said between kisses, making sure to give me one on my forehead, "It's not like we haven't before."

I laughed a little and whispered a response, "No you idiot, Taylor is asleep right underneath us."

"Well then, we'll try not to wake him up," he winked at me and resumed at the hem of my shorts, "Where were we?"

He pulled them down and smiled up at me.

"Shut up and kiss me," I pulled his face back up to mine and smashed my lips into his.


I woke up extra early for some reason and felt like complete shit. My whole head was pounding and my throat felt like I had swallowed a handful of nails. It hurt to open my eyes, but it was just so hard for me to fall back asleep.

After a while of just sitting there, I decided that maybe it was a good time to finally get up and go check myself out in the mirror.

I walked into the bathroom flipping the lights on and then immediately turned them back off. It was way too bright for me to handle at this point in time.

* Knock, Knock *

"Aye, are you good bro?" I heard someone gently call from the other side of the door.

I observed myself in the mirror one last time and then finally concluded to myself, "no, I'm not."

I opened the door to see Dillon standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Dude, you're not looking to good. Maybe you should sit down," He said as he walked over to me and helped me walk back to the couches.

I staggered back to the couch and slowly let myself down, "Dude, I don't know if I'll be able to perform today, man."

"Yeah, I don't think you should. You look bad and you don't sound like you'd be able to perform anyway," Dillon said.

"Well, shit," I mumbled a little.

"Aye bro!" Jack yelled as him and Johnson made their way into the back of the bus, along with Breonna, Rayane, and Delayna.

"Dude, you look like a ghost, is everything okay?" Johnson ran over to me and took a seat next to me, carefully examining my face.

"I don't think I'll be able to go on stage today," my voice cracked a little and sent a sharp pain through my body.

"Yeah, I don't think you should," Breonna sat into Dillon's lap and placed the back of her hand to my head, "Yeah, you feel warm and clammy."

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