8- Before the Night Falls

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My eyes slowly began to Peel open Saturday morning and I could already feel the hangover set in. I didn't want to get up, but I had to because I had bar duty at 10.

I managed to weasel myself out of Taylor's grip so I could make my way to the bathroom. I couldn't believe I still feel like this after drinking. Even after all these years I still feel like garbage in the morning and It's definitely not something I can get used to.

I opened the bathroom door and didn't even bother turning on the light. It was too bright to even consider it. I leaned over the counter just looking at myself for a while in the mirror.  My face looked greasy, my make up was everywhere, I just looked awful. A shower was much needed.

I blindly made my way over to the shower. When I reached my hand in, I noticed someone was laying inside. I pulled back the curtains a little more and began to realize it was Gilinsky and one of the girls from last night. I think her name was Rayane or something like that. It was escaping my mind right now. They were all cuddled up in the tub, it looked as if they both just drunkenly passed out right there last night.

The sight made a smile spread across my face. I haven't seen Gilinsky actually interact with a girl or even get that close to girl in almost a year. I didn't want to impose on their cute little cuddle sesh,  so I settled on a Jersey Shore bath for now. I could come back and take a shower after my shift was over.

I ran over to my room, changed my  clothes, grabbed an apple and headed out of the door. The beach wasn't too far, so I had happily enjoyed my walk down.

As suspected, the beach was already full of drunk teenagers and loud music. A few people gave me hellos as I snaked my way through the crowds. I made my way to the bar and let out a loud sigh.

"Good morning sunshine," Sam gave me a cheeky smile.

"Morning," I mumbled as I assumed my position next to him.

He handed me a yellow drink and smiled even more, "Best way to cure a hangover right?"

"Yeah, What is it?" I reluctantly took it and took a whiff.

"Your favorite," he turned around to tend to someone standing on the other side of the bar.

I took a sip and instantly felt better.

"I think you got some lemonade in my vodka," I joked.

"I know sorry, I slipped," he kissed the top of my head and got back to making drinks for some people.

I finished off my drink and began to help him. For the rest of our shift, were didn't really talk much. He brushed past me a couple of times and I caught him staring at me every now and then, but brushed it off because I didn't think it really meant anything.

Two hours past and it was finally time for us to go. Johnson and Nate came to take our places so we could leave. I made myself another drink and headed back to the house.

"Babe, finally! Let's go get food!" Taylor shouted as I walked through the door.

"Okay, let me shower first," I gave him a quick kiss and headed to the bathroom.

I turned the water on and stripped down. This shower was much needed. I felt so much better now. The hot water running down my back and the steam making me feel weightless.

"Babe, can I come in?" I heard Taylor open the door.

I was a little drunk and I couldn't careless. A smile spread across my face as I pulled back the curtains. I reached out and pulled Taylor's clothes off of him and dragged him in with me.

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