15- Stay With Me

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"So are you guys ready for the tour? We leave in a couple days and I want to make sure everyone is on the same page with this tour," Dennise stood at the end of the table talking to all of us.

We were all Sitting around the table listening to What all of our managers had to say.

"Yes, but just to be safe, can you go over it again?" Sam smirked from one end of the table.

"It's a 20 stop tour, we leave Thursday . We have a 2 day break after every 4 shows. We have two tour buses. I know you weren't very good in school but, It's not fucking rocket science," I snapped back at him. We've been sitting here for a couple hours and I've been a little irritable. I only have 3 days left here and I wanna be able to spend it with Rayane. 

Sam sat back in his seat sort of upset.

"Okay so is everything understood now?" Dennise asked one more time.

"Yeah, I think so," Johnson replied to her, while everyone nodded their heads

"Alright, any more questions?" She asked one more time.

Everyone exchanged looks and shook their heads.

"Actually I have one," Taylor spoke from one end, "are we going to be able to fly people out to the shows for free with us?"

"Of course, however, they have to pay for their way to get out to the show. All we cover is the cost of getting in," Dennise explained.

"Okay, good," he pulled his phone out and leaned back into his seat.

"Why tay, are you trying to get fans into the show for free?" Jake joked around with him.

"Well, if it was my choice, Yeah. But no, I'm sorry Jake, I have a girlfriend that I really don't want to have to leave and I'll want to see her a lot," Taylor said flatly.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss Vee on this trip," Nate agreed with him.

We all exchanged looks and really thought about it.

"I'm gonna miss all of the girls tbh," Johnson finally said.

All of the guys nodded In agreement. I watched how all of the boys were reacting. I can tell that they were all feeling the same way about having to leave.  I can speak for myself, I don't want to have to leave Rayane, and especially not now. We just started talking and getting really into it. Leaving her now would just be fucked up. I thought for a minute and decided to propose an idea.

"Why can't they just come with us?" I finally suggested.

"Well, that's an option right?" Dillon asked.

"Yeah but renting another bus is a lot of money that I don't really want to have to spend on this tour," Dennise started to look through her papers as if She was trying to find another solution.

"We can all just cram?" Johnson finally suggested, "It's only 4 girls and I'm sure that you guys won't mind sharing bunks and stuff right? It's basically all of our girlfriends, so sharing beds isn't going to be something out of the ordinary."

"Don't you think it'll be a little weird? We kinda just met These girls and you want to take them on a three week tour with us?" Nate sat back in his seat, making a very good point.

"That is true. Before we plan on them coming don't you think we should ask? " I agreed with him.

Everyone nodded in a agreement.

"Well, we need to figure it out now because everything needs to be finalized before you guys leave today," Dennise sat back down. Clearly frustrated with all of us.

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