12- All Together

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>>>>>Wednesday Morning<<<<<

*Ring, ring, ring*

"Hello?" I answered the phone as fast as I could so it doesn't wake anyone up.

"Finnegan?!" The voice on the other end sounded surprised.

I hesitated for a moment, "Who is this and why are you calling me this early in the morning?"

The person on the other end was silent for a moment, "Its Delayna, can you come pick me up? But don't tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise!"

My eyes widened even more and I immediately ran to grab my car keys, "Alright, where are you?! I'm coming right now."

"I'm at the airport, I'll be waiting," She spoke fast and then hung up.

I jumped into my car and sped down the road.


My eyes slowly started to roll open as I found myself at the edge of Vee's bed. I looked up at her and seen her laying there alone scrolling through her phone.

"Good Morning Loser," I mumbled as I moved myself up to lie next to her.

She looked away from her phone to give me a dirty look.

"Okay, someone obviously didn't get laid last night," I grabbed my phone too and casually scrolled through twitter.

"No I actually didn't because you were sleeping at my feet," She laughed a little bit and smiled at me.

I laughed and then decided to get up, " Are you coming with me or what? I'll whip you up a fresh bowl of cereal."

She took my hand and jumped onto my back. I carried her up the stairs and set her down in the kitchen at a stool.

"Alright, so what are the plans for the day? What do you want to do?" I pulled out two bowls and started to pour out some cereal.

"I don't know, but I'm being forced to go on some stupid group date thing with Gilinsky," She let out a loud sigh.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly answered it without even looking at the screen to see who it was.

"Hey Johnson, I need your help, come outside," Jack spoke out from the other end of the phone.

"Alright," I hung up the phone and finished making Vee her bowl of cereal before heading outside to help Jack with whatever he needed help with.

I walked out of the house and made my way down to the driveway.

When I looked up, I stopped in surprise and I almost couldn't move.

"Hi Jacky!" Delayna smiled at me and then ran into my arms.

"Is this real life?" I embraced her tight and didn't want to let go.

I haven't seen her in almost 6 months and I miss her like crazy.

Before I sit here and get all excited about her being here, I should probably explain who she is.

Delayna and me have been friends since middle school and we've always sort of had an unspoken thing. Everyone knew we liked each other. Even we knew, no one ever spoke about it though. Our relationship is kind of like Vee and Sammy's, except me and Her would never, or have ever even considered getting close enough to hook up like they have. But, as I was saying, she moved away about 6 months ago and she hasn't been back to visit in forever, so her being here right now is a little surreal.

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