9- When The Sun Goes Down

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After Vee stormed out, we all went on with getting ready for the rest of the night. It was only about 6:30, so we still had about an hour until it got dark enough to even start the fire. However, Gilinsky suggested that we all hurried up and got out there before too many people showed up.

When we were all ready to head out, we gathered near the front door so we could all stay together. I was the first to be ready and was just waiting. Next one down the stairs was Sammy. He looked at me and laughed, then walked into the kitchen.

“Dude what is that all about?” Gilinsky said as he walked closer to me.

“I don’t know, I think he’s just mad because of the whole me and Vee thing. But the way I look at it, he told me to go for it. And he had the chance to get with her if he really wanted to,” I shrugged a little.

Gilinsky’s face changed a little, “True. I think he’s just being extra protective. I don’t know man; I wouldn’t really worry about him though. Unless you hurt her, then Sam will be the least of your worries.”

He gave me an evil smile. By this time, everyone was heading down the stairs, making all of ready to go out. The last person down was Nate.

After he got down we all headed down to the beach. By no surprise, it was already crowded. The fire was already started even though the sun was still out and everyone was already drunk.

The second we actually reached the sand, we all broke off different ways. Jaylin, Matt, Monet, and Dillon all headed to one of the coolers on the other side of the beach. Johnson and Gilinsky ran off to the bar. And Nate and Sam quickly found girls to flirt with and fondle over. Which left me by myself.

I looked around for a minute and then began to wander. I seen so many people and I honestly didn’t know what to do. I just wanted to find my girlfriend, who disappeared earlier. After about 20 minutes, I found Dillon and sat down with him on one of the logs.

“Hey man,” I said as I sat down.

“Whatsup, hey have you seen Vee? I’m trynna get to know her friend,” He let out a laugh causing me to go into a laughter fit.

“No I haven’t seen either of them, I was actually hoping you have. That’s kinda why I came over here,” I wiped the tears that formed in my eyes from laughing and began to calm myself down.

“There they are right there,” Dillon said and got up quickly making his way toward them. I followed in suit.

Vee was walking up with a giant cooler in her arms and probably her 5th beer in the last hour. Her face was sweaty and her eyes were glossy. Clearly indicating that she was not there completely.

“Hey Baby! Are you ready to start the Party?” She threw the cooler to the floor and Jumped on a log, “Let’s get this party started!” She yelled loud, causing everyone to make a lot of noise for a moment.

She jumped down and gave me a hug, “Hey Babe, You’re cute, you know that?”

“How drunk are you right now?” I laughed and hugged her back.

“Excuse officer me, I swear to drunk I’m not god,” she smiled at me.

“Are you being serious right now?” I laughed at her again.

“No I’m not serious, I’m not that fucking drunk,” She laughed with me, “I’ve only had like 4 beers, no biggie. But I’m trynna get smashed tonight so let’s go to the bar.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her to the bar.

“Hey Brock! Can you make me a drink?” she smiled at the guy behind the counter who I would like to assume was Brock.

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