11- Aftermath

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I slowly drove through town, avoiding any and every question Vee was throwing at me. I need her and Sam to settle this so we don’t all have to deal with the tension for the next 3 weeks. I also knew that if I told her where we were going she’d get out of the car at the next stoplight.

I slowly pulled up to the front of the arcade and didn’t see Sam’s car anywhere. He promised he’d be here.

“The Arcade? Really?” Vee’s sarcastic tone indicated that she was in a little bit of a better mood than before.

“Yeah. I figured maybe we could play some games for a little bit,” I gave her a coy smile, “I miss seeing you smile, so let’s just have a little fun.”

Me and Vee both got out of the car and walked into the building. As we walked in, I let my eyes adjust better to the light and I started to realize how much this place has really changed.

It looked like they upgraded everything and on top of that, extended the building. There was a whole back eating area that was never there before. So it was pretty big now.

“I’ll go get some change,” Vee smiled at me and started to walk away.

I turned her way and my eyes suddenly met Sammy’s instead of hers, “It’s okay Vee, I got it. I guess I owe you.”

He handed her a cup of tokens and gave her small smile.

“You do,” She took the cup and walked away form both of us.

We both let out a small laugh and watched her make her ways toward the racing games.

Sam started to follow, but I stopped him. I had to make sure we were on the same page.

“Look, bruh. You gotta say sorry to her. You’re supposed to be one of her best friends and you’re kinda making her feel like shit,” I could see in Sam’s eyes that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

He let out a small sigh, “I know man. I just let the jealousy get the best of me. I need to learn to grow up. Taylor was right. I had my chance, and now I need to just let it go.”

He finished his sentence and walked to where Vee had been playing a driving game. 

It was weird hearing him say something like this especially because its not something you would ever hear Sam do. Admitting to being wrong was never something Sammy did.

I took a minute to comprehend what was going on and then headed to the same direction as them. I took a seat next to Sammy who had taken the only seat next Vee.

“Loser has to buy dinner?” Vee smiled at both of us.

We both returned the smile, “And winner gets $20 from each of the losers.”

“Sounds fair,” Sammy agreed.

We all sat back and adjusted ourselves to the seats, getting ready for the game to say it was time to go. Our eyes glued to the screen, waiting in anticipation.



“I love you daddy,” I heard Vee say to Sammy.


“Are you being fucking serious? Fuck you Vee,” Sam groaned to himself. We both let out a laugh. And turned back toward our screens.

“You guys suck at this,” I heard Vee shout as she shifted gears.

“Not fair, you cheated!” Sammy yelled back, letting out a small laugh at the end.

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