3-Sammy ❤

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Me and Dillon were currently sitting in the car waiting for Todd's daughter, Jaylin, to get out of the store. My mom made me take her with us because she had to pick up her "girl stuff". I didn't really have a problem with her though. She didn't talk very much and she was pretty nice for the most part. The only thing I hated was that, when she came with Todd, He makes her sleep in the basement. Don't get me wrong, our basement is really nice and all,  but we have an extra room upstairs that she can have. Todd said that it's too close to my room and He doesn't feel comfortable with her sleeping near a "hormonal teenage boy". I'm barely even home But whatever.

After about 15 minutes she came out of the store and got back into my car.

"Hey Sam?" She said as she got in.

"Whatsup," I looked at her though the rearview mirror.

"I was wondering if you would let me hang out with you guys today?" She nervously shifted in her seat and began to look down.

"Yeah, of course. You're always welcome to come hang out with us," I gave her smile and started the car.

Before we headed back home I thought that I could take Jaylin and Dillon out to brunch, and nothing screams brunch like IHOP! 

We pulled into a parking spot and walked inside. The hostess's eyes lit up when she saw me and I realized who it was, Shaipyre, one girl that I've hooked up with a couple times.

"Hey Daddy, I mean Sammy," she smiled at me. Dillon burst out laughing.

"Uh, Hey, table for 3," I just kinda ignored Dillon and smiled back at her.

"Anything for you, right this way," she smiled  and led the way, swaying her hips a little too much. Normally I would be all over it, but I was with Todd's daughter and I didn't want her to see me act like a pig, especially because she's only 15.

"Here's your table, if you need anything let me know," she smiled.

"Ok thank you," Dillon said, diving straight into his menu.

"No problem," she turned to me, "Victoria told me you guys are going to Mike's party next weekend?"

"When did you talk to her?" I was curious because her and Vee aren't particularly friends.

"She came in like two hours ago with some guy," she looked at me confused.

"Oh, did He have braces?" I was hoping it was Taylor.

"I don't know, but He was hot," she laughed.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"Wait, are you talking about Taylor?" Dillon let out a loud laugh.

"Yeah, he was hot!" She turned and looked at me, "Not as hot as you," she winked seductively, "but He was a good looking guy, I didn't know Vee could pull em like that."

"Well, I mean, she is fucking hot, I'm surprised she can't pull Better than that. Like me or something," Dillon jumped in.

"Oh, so you got a thing for her?" I turned to Dillon and accidentally clenched my jaw.

"No, but If she touched me, I wouldn't be able to control What happens after that," He smiled and nudged me. I just laughed. 

"Ok, Well I'll see next weekend, baby," Shaipyre chimed in and blew me a kiss.

"Alright baby I'll see you," I winked back at her as she walked away and she blushed.

We ate our breakfast and then we left to head back home.

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