31 - Are you okay?

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I started to feel my breathing speed up and instantly my head started pounding.

"What happened last night?" I thought to myself as I started to Peel my eyes open.

I looked around the room and noticed some of the boys spread out across the floor.

They all looked like they passed out wherever they fell last night. So that must mean that they had a good ass night too.

I felt my whole body start to shake as I rolled over and tried to search around for my phone.

"Babygirl," Johnson mumbled next to me.

"Sorry," I unconsciously said as I kept feeling around.

I moved my hand again and came in contact to Jack's bare back. I quickly pulled my hand back took a good look at him.

He never falls asleep without a shirt on. Without pants definitely. But never without a shirt.

I looked down at myself and started to smell Johnson's Cologne fill my nostrils. I pulled the shirt away from me a little bit and then realize it was his. 

Why would I be wearing his shirt?

I quickly jumped out of bed and made my way up to the kitchen.

Why the fuck am I wearing Johnson's shirt? Where's my shirt? What even happened last night?

I blacked out after about midnight and all I remember was taking talking to Taylor and then everything went into this unknowing black hole.

I mean, I do remember leaving. But I don't remember who with? It wasn't with Johnson was it?

I slowly made my way up the stairs and then went into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and a tylenol, then jumped onto the counter and closed my eyes.

I was slowly trying to recall the night and What happened. But by the looks of these hickeys, I obviously brought someone back.

I just hope it want Johnson. That would be so weird. He's my best friend and all but I would never do anything with him like that, he's Basically my brother.

But What if I was so drunk that I did? Man. I would be fucked. 


"Good morning," Molly said with a smile while standing in Gilinsky's kitchen, making breakfast in only her underwear and What ever shirt Jack was wearing last night.

"Morning, " I mumbled back to her.

"Did you have fun last night or What?" She said as She handle me a plate of food.

"Uh, Yeah. I guess but, I just don't know," I said back to her.

"Did you wanna talk?"She asked as She sat down next to me at the counter.

I shook my head no and started to slowly eat all the food She gave me.

I wasn't exactly sure What happened last night. I just remember Vee yelling and then me getting really drunk. I have no idea how I ended up here and I have no idea What happened last night.

"Well you look like you had a good time," she said as she laughed and pointed at my neck.

It was covered in hickeys and I had scratches all over me.

"I guess, I wish I could remember more of it though," I sighed and then went to go find my shirt.

I picked it up off of the living room floor and then started to head out of the house.

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