16- Onward!

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* Ding *

 From Dillbaby ❤:  on our way, be ready babe.

I smiled and replied with a simple okay.

I’ve never even been out of the state and now to be able to just go on tour with these boys, is just so unreal to me. I never thought something like this could happen.

I didn’t even realize how big of a deal they were until followed them on twitter. All of the boys have at least 1 million followers, with the exception of Sammy, Nate, and Dillon. But for the most part, they were all pretty popular and for me to be going with them, even just for the ride, Is pretty fucking exciting to me.

Never in my life, did I think I would be able to do something like this. Its not like people are going to be there to see me, but just the fact that I get to go around the country with a bunch of people that I just met and really get to vibe with.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as fast as I could and ran upstairs to proceed with what I was doing. 

I ran up the stairs and made my way into my room to grab the rest of my stuff. We leave tomorrow morning, so I’m staying the night at Vee’s house, so that way, I don’t have to get up hella early in the morning just to meet them.

I hauled all of my bags down the stairs and piled them all up next to the front door.

*knock knock knock *

I opened the door to see a happy faced Dillon and Jack Johnson standing off behind him. “Hey baby! Ready to go?” he pulled me in for a hug a placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and kissed his cheek back, “Yeah. Help me grab my stuff?”

I took a step back and pointed to all of my bags.

Both of their eyes grew wide.

“You’re so lucky that we have two buses because I’m pretty sure yours and Vee’s stuff could take up a whole one by yourselves,” Jack laughed and grabbed two of my bags.

“I swear I packed the bare minimum,” I laughed and followed both of them out to the car.

We loaded up and then got onto the road.

“So, Rayane doesn’t wanna come or what’s going on with her, do you know?” Jack glanced up at me through the rear view mirror.

“No. I don’t know. I think she’s psyching herself out. She thinks that Vee and Gilinsky are a thing and she doesn’t want to go and get heart broken,” I shrugged off a little and stared down at my phone.

“Well as Gilinsky’s best friend, I can rest assure you and her that there is nothing going on between them. He’s just like her older brother. Nothing more,” Jack shot me a smile.

“Yea, but still. With hearing about her and Sam, she just feels weird. And thinks that her and Gilinsky have stuff going on.”

“I promise you that there isn’t. Her and Gilinksy wouldn’t even come close to anything like her and Sam. They may be close but they would never hook up,” he laughed and shook his head to himself, “Me and Vee have gotten farther than they ever would. Trust me.”

“You’ve hooked up with Vee?” my eyes grew wide and Dillon snapped his head toward him.

“Duh, well, not hook up like have sex or anything. But we’ve made out a couple times at parties. Nothing too crazy,” he laughed.

“Dude, so she just fucks around with the team then or what?” Dillon laughed.

“No.” Jack’s face got serious, “If you’re trying to imply that she’s a homie hopper or something. She’s not.”

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