6 - Okay?

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It's Thursday afternoon and I decided to spend it next to the pool with Dillon and Jaylin. I was laying out enjoying my day.  It wasn't too hot and it wasn't too sunny, so it was absolutely perfect.

I sat in my favorite chair near the pool and I was beginning to drift asleep.

"Victoria Elaine!" Gilinsky yelled out front he kitchen.

"What!?" I screamed back without moving.

"We're going to the airport, brb!" He shouted again.

This time I didn't respond but just shooed him away. Johnson came out to give me a hug because he was going with him.

"Wait, I wanna go too!" I heard Taylor yell before he appeared at the back door. He sprinted over, gave me a kiss and then he left with them.

As soon as I heard Taylor shut the front door, I got up and ran to the front windows.

I peeked through the blinds to do a head count of inside the car as it drove away. It was only Taylor, Jack, and Jack. I let out a sigh and walked downstairs to see who was there.  It didnt shock me to see Nate sprawled out on my bed, basically drooling all over my pillows. I laughed to myself and walked back to the backyard, where only sat Jaylin and Dillon.

"Have you guys seen Sammy?" I looked around again, as if he were to magically appear.

"He hasn't left his room since Sunday night. He came home fuming," Jaylin chirped from the other side of the pool.

"Okay, thanks," I spun on my heel and headed out of the door.

Moments later I was standing in front of Sam's front door. I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked through the house.

"Hey sweetie," Mama Wilk walked out of the kitchen to give me a hug.

"Hey, is Sam upstairs?" I pulled away, looking toward the stairs.

"Yeah, I think, I haven't seen him in a couple days. But as far as I know, he hasn't left," She handed me a plate with a sandwich and a big glass of lemonade, "can you bring this too him? I'm pretty sure he hasn't eaten."

"Of course," I walked up the stairs to Sammy's room and took a big drink out of his glass, then proceeded to open the door.

When I walked inside, Sammy was laying in bed on his laptop. He had music playing from the speakers across the room, as always, and looked lost in his computer. I plopped on his bed next to him.

He looked up at me smiling, "Hey."

"Hey your mom wanted me to bring you this," I handed him his plate and took a bite out of his sandwich.

He shook his head and laughed.

"So whatsup? What brings you to Casa De La Wilk?" He closed his laptop and scooted over, allowing me more room to sit next to him.

"I just haven't seen you in a couple days, I miss my Sammy, " I stuck out my bottom lip and hugged onto his waist.

"Oh, well you've been with your boyfriend, so I didn't know you still had time for me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I pulled away sort of in shock.

"I mean, you have been so wrapped up with your little boyfriend, you haven't even bothered to call or text me," he began to get defensive.

"Everyone has been at my house hanging out. I'm sorry, I didn't know that you couldn't walk across the street and come socialize," it was irritating me that he was making it seem like It was my fault.

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