20 - Revealed

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"Dude, What's going on?" Dillon pushed his phone into my face. Twitter was opened up and his timeline was covered in questions about me and Vee.

I shook my head, "I wish I knew." I kept refreshing my twitter patiently awaiting Vee to post again.

"Well, why don't you find out?" Dillon whispered to me awkwardly.

I looked up from my phone to focus my attention on him, "What?"

Dillon nodded his head toward Sam and Vee who had just walked into the room. Sam sat down on the only open seat and Vee sat onto his lap.

"What the fuck?"

Everyone's attention snapped toward me. Oops. I think I said that out loud.

"Are you good man?" Gilinsky asked from a few seats over.

"Yeah," I mumbled to myself, but then quickly changed my mind, "actually I'm not. I'm actually pretty fucking confused on What the fuck is going on over there."

I pointed at Vee and Sam as everyone turned to look at them.

"It's not science Taylor. I'm clearly Sitting on Sam's lap because there are no more seats," She gave me a dead ass look as if I was stupid or something.

"Okay? I'm sorry, but if my boyfriend was Sitting across the room and there were no more seats, I would go sit in his lap. Not someone who I haven't even talked to in two weeks," I snapped back angrily. 

She laughed and turned her whole body toward me. She leaned forward and rested her arms on her legs, "See that's the thing, my boyfriend isn't Sitting across the room. Therefore I have no where to sit."

Her facial expression was blank as She burned holes into my face with her eyes.

I couldn't find the words the speak. Hearing her say that shocked me In so many ways possible.

"Exactly Taylor. You know, you had me fooled. Congratulations," She leaned back into Sam and clapped her hands, "You got me."

I just looked blankly at her, confused and hurt. I didn't know What She was talking about, but I was definitely scared of What She might know.

"What no words? You thought I was fucking stupid?" She sat up straight again and looked straight into my eyes, "So how many was it? 4? 5? You know that's sad," She let out a loud laugh again, "and we've only been gone for a week."

My eyes grew wide and everyone's mouth fell open.

I couldn't believe that She was saying this in front of everyone.

"Can we take this somewhere more private?" I said between my teeth.

I didn't really want everyone to know my business or everything that's going on. For one, I was kinda scared of Gilinsky and What he would say or do. And two, this wasn't really something everyone should possibly have their input on anyways. Our relationship problems should be dealt with by us, not with everyone listening.

"Why? I'm sure anything and everything you have to say, Sammy and Finnegan are gonna wanna hear," her devilish smile made my stomach weak.

Everyone exchanged uneasy looks and then focused their attention on me.

"What is She talking about Caniff?" JG finally said after a minute.

"Yeah Caniff, tell them," She settled back into Sammy once again. This time She grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her body.

"Tell them What?" I narrowed my eyes at her deceitful comment.

"Don't play fucking stupid Taylor. I saw you in the bus yesterday," She screamed out at me.

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