"What is this?" An amused Izzie asked the wife.

"Nasty naughty nurses... 4."

At a particularly attention grabbing scene, all interns except for the shortest one tilted their head.

"That does not look comfortable." Cristina pointed out.

"Trust me, it's not." All interns look to Meredith with a shocked look.

"Get in the hall, Helena seems to be be the one with enough maturity to stay!" The resident ordered.

After the examination, near the nurses station, Bailey instructed her interns. "Campos, O'Malley and Karev you're in the pit today. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting for you up on two. Yang, keep an eye on the Lamotts. I don't want any problems. Go."


As George and Helena entered their emergent patient's room, they asked for a chart as the nurse presented. "Pete Willoughby, 25 years old, GSW to the chest, immediate return of 860 ccs of blood."

"Oh man, this hurts." Pete yelled.

"He's out out over 200 ccs in the past hour." The nurse finished.

"They never tell you in movies how much it hurts to get shot."

"Ok, Pete, we have you now ok? We're going to take care of you." Helena reassured the man with a tight lipped smile.

"Push morphine, 2 milligrams." George instructed. "Alex, this is my case."

"Morphine, 5 milligrams." Alex ordered. "You didn't even call him."

"I was here first."

"You got here first because I let you."

As the two boys bickered, Helena actually focused on the patient. "Do you have chest films?" She asked the nurses.

"You always get the surgery, today I'm getting a surgery. There's only room for two interns." George argued.

"Guys, knock it off, at least not it front of him." Helena pleaded as she worked.

"He's one of Seattle's finest, you've got a whole police force watching you." The nurse told them. Helena looked to the window of the room to find a group of police officers watching them.

"Page Dr. Bruke, please, let him know we're bringing him a GSW." The female intern requested as she wheeled the man to the elevator, the two boys following her shortly behind.

"You got shot on the line of duty?" Alex asked the man.

"First month on the job. Can you believe my luck? The guy pulls out a gun and I freeze up. I'm the rookie who got shot. I'm never gonna live this down."

"Sure you are." George reassured him.

"You think?"

"Yeah, you'll get to be the rookie who got shot and lived to tell the tale." The girl smiled down at him and he gave her a halfhearted smile back.

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