Skinny dipping: Kotaro Bokuto (Haikyuu)

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Requested by new_phone-who_dis

Warning: lemon aka sex
(Y/N)'s POV

I panted as I finally walked out of the locker room. I was exhausted from today's practice but I promised Bokuto I would stay the night at his place since it was the weekend so I trudged on and basically dragged myself to my car. I let out a groan as I sat down, feeling all the muscles in my legs relax. However I quickly started the car and drove off, deciding that I didn't want to be late.

After an uneventful drive I ended up in front of Bokuto's house. The place was massive whether you believe it or not but Bokuto's family is loaded. I went to knock but as I did the door just creaked open. That's odd they never leave their doors unlocked. I began to snoop around after closing the door quietly hoping everything was okay and I wasn't walking into a burglary but my suspension was halted by a note that was on Bokuto's bedroom door. It read in an odd display of what looked to be crayon. "(Y/N)!!! I'm out back swimming!!!". I swear he talks, texts, and writes all in the same voice even if it doesn't make sense. I just shrug and walk out back finding my owl looking boyfriend splashing around in his pool. If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't look away I would've taken a picture. Oddly enough Bokuto loves swimming and always has this super calm and adorable face he makes when swimming. He almost looks like an owl if it had puppy dog eyes.

I make my presence known by clearly my throat. He spins around in the water to look at me. "(Y/N)! You're here, come on join me!" I laugh at his childlike personality. "Bokuto I don't have a swimsuit to change into, I'll just sit here". "Who said I had one?"

If I was drinking something it would've been everywhere. "What?!" I almost screamed. "Yeah just look for yourself~". I almost passed out when he rested his head and arms on the edge as his lower half floated just above the water surface. I was seeing the moon in more ways than one. "Come on, we're dating. I've already seen everything". I barely moved, still frozen. He moved back and began to walk out of the water, it was glorious to say the least, watching as his athletic body emerged from the water, the way it glistened over his body, and matched with the fact that he was full on nude. He got closer and I could feel my heart rampaging in my chest.

"Here, we will just chill in the hot tube, I know you'll enjoy it". Bokuto said as he pulled me over and began to strip me. I managed to stop him and squeak out a "i've got it" as I took off my clothes. Now fully naked he pulled me into the tub. It was nice to say the least, the warm water and jets help ease my aching muscles. I was only a matter of time before I relaxed and sank deeper into the tub. "I'll be right back just gonna go grab something to drink" Bokuto said. I opened my eyes only to see him get out with a great view of his ass. He seemed to notice and somewhat flaunted it as he walked away. My blush returned with the image of his ass now replaying in my mind.

I was so caught up in it I didn't even notice him return until he was right next to me.
"Here you go" He said as he handed me a drink. I could barely pay attention as I grabbed it. He now sat next to me and it was a struggle not to stare at him in all his beauty. He turned his head now staring at me. "What?" I just couldn't. His beautiful eyes, his wetted down hair, his muscled chest that glistened, and that damn image of his ass that was on repeat in my head. "

"Woah~ looks like we got a shark in the water~". I was confused at first until I noticed my situation down under. I was about to cover it and get out but was stopped. "Don't worry about it, let me deal with it~". At this point I couldn't say no and just leaned back as he grabbed my length. He stroked it slowly, almost teasingly slow with sudden jolts of speed that made jump and twitch. "Bokuto F-fuck Please~" I groaned out. "What~" he whispered in my ear. I continued to groan as he suddenly picked up the pace before stopping. "Tell me what you need~". I groan at the lack of friction. "You" I whispered. "No louder!" "You!" "I said loud (Y/N)!" He said as he suddenly stroked me at a rapid pace. "F-FUCK GOD DAMN IT, YOU I NEED YOU!" I screamed as I felt myself twitching as my end drew near. "Good boy~" he hissed in a sickly sweet voice. I was on the edge about to finish until he stopped and he firmly squeezed my junk. "AHH FUCK BOKUTO PLEASE!"

He just laughed in my ear. "Not just yet~" he got out of the tub and grabbed a black bag that was sitting by the door. He pulled it over and got a small ring out of it. Before I could protest he grabbed my junk again and put it on. I groaned at the tightness but soon adjusted but suddenly he pulled me slightly out of the water. He put two small vibrantors on my nuts and one slightly bigger one on my shaft. Before I knew what was happening I heard the flick of a switch and was almost paralyzed by the pleasure. I tried to say anything but it only came out as groans and stifled moans. That was until he shoved a ball gag in my mouth and tied up my hands. "Can't have you waking anyone up~". And so I sat there desperately trying to cum as Bokuto watched me squirm while playing with himself. Making sure he was my focus as he inserted his fingers into his hole. He continued to add more as I grunted only feeling more pain and pleasure from his performance.

He soon started to twitch and spasm on his hand but managed to stop himself. He turned to me and turned off the vibrators, taking them off my dick. It almost felt worse due to no longer having stimulation. "Ready~" I nodded as he took the ring off and slowly slid down my shaft. It felt like heaven as he bounced up and down on my dick, the sound of his ass slapping against my groin echoed into the night. "Mmmmhh fuck this is good" Bokuto moaned out. he started going faster almost jumping on me and I could tell we where both close he started grinding harder into me unti he slammed down fast as he twitch before he groaned and let loose. He erupted all over our chest, leaving them covered. I much like him also finally got to cum, I had practically exploded inside him, filling Bokuto to the brim as some leaked out. But I was done yet on far from it, you see in all his pleasure he didn't notice me undo the ties on my hands.

In a split second I hand him pinned on his back. "(Y/N)?! Wait! Plea-OH FUCK!" He yelled as I slammed into him. He moaned like no other as I ravished his ass. I decided to have some fun and flipped him on his belly, I spanked him as I got on top of his ass and lowered myself in. He spasmed and tightened every time I spanked him so it quickly evolved into a constant string of slaps and thrust until we both couldn't handle it. With one last spank he twitched hard and came all over the ground. I pulled out and stood up, he looked up with lust filled eyes. "Mouth now!" I commanded. Bokuto immediately understood and opened his mouth wide with his tongue out. The sight alone made me close and before I knew it I came, spraying it all over Bokuto's face and tongue. He swallowed what he caught before licking my tip and around his lips.

With that I sat down now drained of energy. "Holy fuck I did think we were that kinky" I groaned. That got a laugh out of Bokuto. "Yeah but that was great but I can't feel my legs" Bokuto chuckled as he layed in my lap. "Alright I'm sorry but can you blame me for going rough?" I asked as I pet his head and played with his hair. "Mmh guess not but how about we make up with a nice shower and cuddles?" He said with puppy dog eyes. "Sounds great" I replied. "WOO! oh uh" Bokuto tried to stand but couldn't. "I've got you, let's go get cleaned up".

"I love you."
"Love you too but next time let's hold back on the toys, yeah?"

So originally this was gonna be a pretty relaxed smut but it just went so yeah it turn full kinky and I really don't know why. But anyways hope you enjoyed the oneshot and hope to see you all again soon.

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