Birthday: Shoto Todoroki (Bnha)

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It's my bday, yay I guess? But this was just a special something for those of you who share my birthday or even for those who don't
Edit: sorry for the repost I fucked up the title

I sighed as I rested my back against the seat of the plane as it began its take off sequence. This would be my first time heading home in around two years, I was currently leaving America to go back to japan for my birthday to celebrate with my family and friends as I had been in America to train with a pro who shared my quirk but due to my quirks nature the pro took me in and let me stay with him. It wasn't bad in fact he's become a great mentor and has helped a lot but it will be nice to go back home and depending on how I do I might even be able to stay. Thoughts of family and friends rushed through my mind as the plane took off to begin our flight, they mainly consisted of the stupid stuff me and my class mates did in UA. Like the time Denki managed to get his fingers stuck in a finger trap and it took him an hour to get it off. Or when Eijiro fell down the stairs but because of his hardening quirk he left a couple human sized dents in the dorms stairs. But the most prevalent memory was the time when Shoto confessed to me.


I was walking around the dorms kitchen grabbing some snacks as I had just gotten back from working out and showering so I was starving. But I heard some small whispers behind me, I thought nothing of it as people were always talking and roaming around the dorms so hearing people especially in places like the kitchen and common room were normal. But as I turn around I see Shoto standing in the doorway with a somewhat pale complexion on his face and nervously fiddling his hands. This had me worried as Shoto was never one to be afraid easily or even nervous but he seemed downright petrified from something. "You ok Sho?". My question seemed to snap him out of his daze as he looked up at me and nodded but his face also flushed red afterwards. "You sure you're ok because you're burning up!". I said as I held my free hand on his forehead which mind you was on fire. He jumped at the contact and moved back into the other room slowly but he looked to the side for a second before slowly moving back to where he was now looking me in the eyes.

" I'm f-fine I just n-need to ask you something". Oh well that's odd he never stutters this must be big. I gave him a hand motion to continue. He opened his mouth and seemed to be trying to speak but nothing was coming out. He was just frozen, not able to speak but his mouth was moving and it was forming words so I tried my best to piece something together.

I think that's a I, hm l-l-l-like yep that's like, you? Oh is that what this is about. I chuckled under my breath and walked closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned down. "I like you to Sho". "H-how did you?" "I watched your lips and put it together myself". "So are we?". "Together? Yep your mind now". A sudden yell of yes behind Shoto caught my attention, there stood Mina, Uraraka, and Momo. They were celebrating and I put two and two together. "Really were you worried you needed help? God your precious Sho". He got embarrassed as I showered him with kisses in front of them just to rub it in.

————————flashback over———————

I smiled remembering all the funny and adorable things he did trying to confess and remembering some things after that like our first date. I slowly started to drift off while remembering all the good times we had together with one last thought Dunn through my head

I'm coming home Sho.

——————————time skip———————

I woke up as the plane landed and grabbed my luggage while making my way through the airport. I spotted some of my friends waving me down and followed them to their car. Apparently my family were set up somewhere special and they were told to drive me there. When we arrived I noticed it was my favorite restaurant and I booked it out of the car because I hadn't eaten here in forever so I wasn't wasting a second. Once I got inside I saw my class and family at a table so I walked up and quickly got the party started.

After eating the best meal I've had in awhile and getting caught up with everyone I noticed Shoto wasn't there, and that really hit me in the heart. My family seemed to notice and my dad said he was taking me home to get my last present. I was still sad but nonetheless curious about this last present. I grabbed my presents and said my goodbyes before walking out to our car and putting myself in the back. We drove off but as we were heading back I noticed this wasn't the normal route home. I brushed it off until my dad stopped the car in front of a very familiar home. I gave him a look. "Your last present is in there and I'll see you tomorrow". He waved me out of the car so I made my way towards Shoto's home. The hell did he mean by tomorrow? I glossed over it and knocked on the door. It flew open and I was tackled immediately, I yelped as I was pulled to the ground and then suddenly was pulled into a long sensual kiss. I pulled away and there on top of me was Shoto and he seemed both extremely happy and extremely angry. He pulled me up immediately which was surprising because of the fact that I'm quite a bit taller. He then started dragging me towards his room.
"Shoto what are you doing!?"

"You made me wait two years for this and the toys got dull pretty quick so you're gonna make it up to me".

I gulped as he pushed me on the bed and started stripping. Dear lord my crotch is gonna hurt after this.

So I know I've been posting a lot recently and I guess it's not a bad thing I just don't want to spam you guys it's just I've had this idea for awhile and decided to save it for my birthday so it fits a little better and the Nagato oneshot was honestly not going to be one when I first started it but it fit the mold so I just made it into one. But I guess as long as the quality stays the same it shouldn't matter to much. Also thanks for 22k reads and almost 600 votes I mean damn that's a lot. Anyway stay safe and thank you for reading

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