Request page

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(Request are currently closed. This will be updated when they are once again open, the description says f the book will also tell you whether they are open or closed.)

this is a purely seme male reader book so I will not be doing any uke/ female reader request.

Simply a page for those who have ideas to request, i can't promise I will do all request especially if I end up getting slot of them but I doubt that so please do request and I'll try to get back to you on it. But first some quick rules

I'm not against lemons but try to keep them somewhat tame

Try to have a plot or scenario in mind as it makes it a lot easier to write about a character with and idea of what is wanted.

No rape fics or anything like that I don't think I really should have to say that but hey better safe than sorry.

That's about it this page may change in the future who knows but keep in mind I am one person so I may not get to everyone but I'll try my best.

Seme male reader - one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt