Similar: Keniji Akaashi (Haikyuu)

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Requested by @NonExistingGayPotato

Warning: lemon aka sex
(Y/N)'s POV

"Uhh what happened last night?". I said as I woke up in a bed that definitely wasn't mine. This is what I get for letting Oikawa drag me around yesterday. We may be brothers but we are nothing alike. "Mhhm". I froze hearing a groan come from a lump in the covers next to me. I looked over and pulled away at some of the cover to see a very naked male with jet black hair. I had to admit that whatever yesterday I did to him he was at least very cute. God what happened that I ended up with sleeping beauty next to me in bed?

My dumbass brother dragged me through a crowded party and my anxiety being what it was made me wanna curl up into a ball and die. I just accepted my fate and hoped people weren't staring at me. We eventually made our way to a room where there was a group of people who Oikawa immediately started talking with, they must be the friends that invited him here. As he was talking with them I took notice of black haired male sitting in the corner. I may have checked him out while he wasn't paying attention. He was thin and had a pale complexion which I shouldn't be saying anything because I'm not exactly the manliest guy but damn this guy is pretty. I decided to finally grow a pair and walked up next to him. He looked over at me and seeing his face made me freeze and lock up.

"You need something?". Oh god respond you idiot! "U-uh u-mm Hey?" Fucking perfect (Y/N) totally not awkward. "Is this seat taken?" I said, finally gaining control of my voice. "Oh um no it's not". I nodded at his answer and proceeded to sit down next to him. I wanted to talk but really didn't feel like fucking up anymore than I already have.

"Uh so you like volleyball?". I was kinda surprised that the guy decided to start the conversation but one thing I took notice of was the expression he had after asking, he was clearly embarrassed. Woah this guys just as awkward as me so maybe I do have a chance with him. "Oh uh no not really but my brother does, I'm more of a track guy". He seemed relaxed by my answer and we continued to talk and learn more about each other like that he was named akaashi. It was pretty easy to talk to him, it just seemed way easier to talk to him than others. Our talking continued until someone brought in drinks. I'm not a big drinker but considering that Akaashi was doing it I might as well. About three drinks later he was damn near gone and I wasn't much better but that didn't matter because we were just having fun and enjoying each other's presents. Sadly it was ruined by not one but two obnoxiously loud idiots yelling at us.

"(Y/N)-Chan you never talk to people like that, not even me". "Yeah! How come you never talk to me like that Akaashi?!". It was my brother and some other guy I didn't know but looked to be a friend of Akaashi, he looked oddly of an owl. The very drunk Akaashi leaned into my ear and whispered "how about we go somewhere secluded". And drunk (Y/N) let his now excited dick do the thinking.

————————-flashback over———————

Now I remember, god I hope Akaashi is ok I may be shy and slightly feminine in stature but drunk me likes to pound people into dust. I looked over to him to see him finally wake up, he sat up and looked at me before pulling me into a hug and nuzzling into my next. "A-akaashi! You ok you do realize what we di-" "I'm fully aware that we had sex I wasn't as drunk as you were last night". Wait so he planned this?! My shocked look made him chuckle and he seemed to understand my expression "I'm kinda glad I did, who would've known you'd be such a dominant top with a body like that". Now I was embarrassed and hard because of his damn sexy self teasing me. He seemed to notice this and pushed me on my back.

"How about a quick round two?" I nodded and watched as he pulled back the sheet to reveal my length, he grabbed it and started to work it up and down while gently licking the tip. I grabbed his hips and pulled them over to my face and started to lick around his hole earning a surprised yelp and moans. Being encouraged by this I continued to prod his hole with my tongue as he started taking my length in full and bobbing on it. At this point it was a race to make the other cum. This continued for a couple of minutes before he finally clenched and came on my chest but he didn't even skip a beat and continued to deep throat me causing me to blow in his mouth moments later. After our oral competition was over we moved on to the fun party I began to sit up but was pushed back down immediately.

"You did enough last night let me take care of you". I just accepted my fate as he lubed himself up and slid down on my length. He quickly adjusted to it and began to roll his hips and bounce on me slowly which quickly picked up until he was a moaning mess. I on the other hand decided to take control even if he didn't want me too. I rolled us over pinning his back to the bed and wrapped my arms underneath his legs with his arms around my neck and started to pound into him from above. " ah you w-weren't supposed to-Oh! Do anything". "Yeah I know but this feels so much better don't you think?". His answer came in a series of moans mixed with skin slapping sounds. I began to feel him clenched on me and sped up groaning as I went faster and deeper in him until he wrapped himself around me and clenched even harder as he came leaving scratch marks on my back as I also came inside him. I fell down on him gasping for air along with him and after finally getting enough oxygen we kissed one last time.

"Think we should start dating?" I asked him looking at his beautiful body underneath mine "After a shower together". "That's what I was thinking". I picked him up being the only one who could use their legs and walked into the bathroom and sat him down on my lap with one thought going through my head

"we really are similar".

So I posted two within 24 hours of each other which is a first so that's cool. But other Than that I hope you all enjoy this somewhat fluffy but very smutty oneshot and I'll hopefully see you all soon.

Seme male reader - one shots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ