My Demon: Oikawa

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Hey sorry about not writing sooner I had a bit of trouble deciding what to do next but hope you enjoy
AU description
Oikawa is a demon that is attached to your soul.
(Y/N)'s POV
My eyes slowly open, my vision blurred due to my sudden waking. My discombobulated self scanned the room to find my phone. I then noticed the lack of light coming from the cracks between the window and sheet covering it. To confirm my suspension I then checked my phone which I had now found sitting next to me on my desk. I turn the phone on and let my eyes adjust to the light from the screen, I look at the screen to see that it is 3:15 in the morning. I groan at my ability to somehow never be able to have a normal sleep schedule. I start to move the sheets covering my body when I notice a weight on my lower body. I look down and see a certain leech that has attached himself to me without my consent. I groan yet again and push the demon off my body and then move to get out of the bed. While moving the demon I heard he yip from the sudden movement and then woke up and glared at me.


(Y/N): you latched onto me while I was sleeping and I had to move.

Oikawa: (Y/Nnnnnnn)! Why can't you just admit you like me and let me cuddle with you!

(Y/N): I don't like you leech. You just attached yourself to me. Now I'm going to go get something to eat.

I begin to walk out but heard the leach get out of bed and walk up behind me. I let out a sigh and continue to the kitchen. I make my way over to the frigid and open it and see what I have. My eyes scan over before I get an idea and grab the jam and place it on the counter. I then open the cupboard and pull out the peanut butter. I start lathering the bread I had pulled out.

Oikawa: what are you making?

(Y/N): toasted PB&J, why?

Oikawa: can I please have one? It sounds really good right now.

He continues to beg and it starts to aggravate my headache and I finally crack.

(Y/N): Fine! Fine! *sigh* Just stop with the yelling, my heads killing me.

I then made him one and sat down while letting them toast. I pull out my phone and check YouTube to find something to watch. I end up just watching some let's plays. I heard the toaster click, and get up and grab both of our PB&Js. Handing the sandwich to oikawa, he thanked me a quickly took a bite.

Oikawa: wow! (Y/N)-Chan this is amazing!

He quickly continued to munch down his food

(Y/N): your eating like you've never had food before, slow down you idiot you'll choke.

We continued to silently eat our food, I wasn't paying attention to the leech sitting in front of me as I was watching the video on my phone but I had an odd feeling and looked up to see him starring directly at me with a out looking tint on his cheeks.

(Y/N): Hey! Leech, the hell are you starring at? And why is your face like that?

His eyes widened and he shook his head, finally coming out of his dream land. Although instead of being his loud egotistical self, his face just brightened and he looked down and muttered something. I kind of found it cute.
Wait! No I'm not falling for this parasite! God damn it! I quickly stood up and walked to the living room to hopefully get some air and space between me and him. I made my way to the couch and sat down sighing and looking back at my phone. I finally got some peace and quiet but of course it was only for a short period as I heard quick footsteps coming closer and then felt something heavy fall on my lap. I moved my attention away from my phone to see oikawa sprawled out on my lap. I then finally noticed what he was wearing, it was one of my older shirts I usually only use as pajamas. It was almost down to his knees and showed parts of his collar bone. My face flared, God damn he's adorable. I realized that I had been staring which had now made him blush as well. It was to much so I panicked and pushed him off. But I accidentally put to much force and nearly pushed him off the couch.

Oikawa: THE FUCK! WHY?!

(Y/N): Don't surprise me like that! Also you wearing my shirt!

Oikawa: SO! Doesn't give you the right to nearly push me of the couch! I could have gotten hurt!

(Y/N): Oh Its totally not like you some un- kill able demon!

Oikawa: it still would have hurt you dick!

(Y/N): could you just quit following me so this wouldn't happen!

We were now arguing with both of us yelling at each other and getting closer

Oikawa: why do you always have to be an ass

(Y/N): because I hate you!

Oikawa: why?! For what!

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer. He had to look up due to the height difference.

(Y/N): for making me love you!

Oikawa: SO! W-wait w-what?

I then pulled him into a kiss. Quickly taking advantage of delay reaction and took control of his mouth, exploring his mouth and savoring every second of it. We broke the kiss and just starred at each other. God his face makes me want to punch him only so kiss him better.

Oikawa: w-what was t-that?

(Y/N): I thought you wanted to date me?

Oikawa I do! I just didn't expect that!

I then pin him to the wall between my body with my arms on both sides of his head. His face lights up and I smirk and start to peck at his neck until he looks up.

(Y/N): How about we continue this in the bedroom?

Oikawa: yes Sir~ or should I say Daddy.

He then wrap his arms around my neck and I lifted his legs around my waist and carried him to bed. And let's say it was a eventful morning that started a interesting relationship.

Hey hope you enjoyed this and I will take request but do try and have some form of plot or if you just want to see a certain character then comment that instead and I'll try to do my best.

Seme male reader - one shots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu