Embarrassed: Bokuto and Akaashi (Haikyuu)

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ahh my favorite part of having two boyfriends. Getting to embarrass the ever living daylights out of them with my undying love for them. Now call me a simp but I live for loving on my adorable boyfriends. Now nationals only increased my flirty mode. I am currently watching Fukurodani in their first round. They were only a few points off of winning which went by quickly due to some powerful spikes from Bokuto. I chuckled at his yelling of victory before getting up and making my way to the court.

I walked up behind Bokuto's celebrating form. "Nice hustle thickums McGee" I slapped his ass as I walked past. I watched as his face went supernova and chuckled watching him overload. "(Y/N) please try not to break Bokuto-San." I turned to look at Akaashi and pulled him close for a victory hug. "I think I might have already broke him so here's a hug to make up for it, do you accept my apology?"

I got Akaashi to give me a chuckle in response before he gave me a kiss. "I guess it will do." I chuckled as I turned around and grabbed Bokuto and embraced him. "Sorry about that honey how about I treat my two boys to some victory lunch." Bokuto snapped out of it and agreed.

I waited as they showered and changed before driving off to a dinner. We made our way in and sat done. "What can I get you three to drink?" A great idea popped into my head. "May I please get some water, I've got a mighty thirst from being with these two cuties." All three paused as I was laughing to death internally but serious on the outside. The waiter seemed to finally snap out of her daze and take their orders.

"(Y/N) please stop." Akaashi begged.I laughed at his blank response. I agreed and lunch went by pretty uneventfully with a few cute Bokuto moments mixed in. We finished up and I drove them back to the dorms. "Wanna watch some YouTube or something?" I asked, really wanting some genuine boyfriend time with both of them. They both agreed and I set some things up to watch it in Bokuto's dorm room. We got ready but immediately got interrupted by Kuroo and Kenma busting into the room. "We heard you were having a party!" Kuroo yelled as he entered, dragging Kenma behind him. I laughed at their antics and our night of shenanigans began. We watched YouTube, played a few games thanks to Kenma having his switch, and we somehow ended up with "spin the bottle". Kuroo spun the bottle one last time and I happened to be the poor sucker it landed on.

"Truth of dare?" Kuroo asked, almost taunting me. "Dare" I proclaimed proudly. "I dare you to embarrass both your boyfriends." I know exactly what to do. I slowly approached both of them. I thanked god I was still wearing jeans. I popped my belt buckle out and slowly started to pull it out. I pulled my belt out and wrapped it around Bokuto's neck and pulled him close. He immediately passed out. We all paused as I stared at his limp body. I gave a look at Akaashi and licked my lips. "Guess it's just you and me~" his face exploded as he mentally shut down. I laughed at my now broken boyfriends.

"You're too good at that." Kuroo started. "Yeah probably, Well I'll take care of these two, guess I'll see you two tomorrow?" I asked Kuroo. "Yeah, sounds good we should get something to eat so see you then" I waved as they left. I then grabbed both my boyfriends and threw them in bed. I helped Akaashi snap out of his daze and woke up Bokuto. We got changed and got in bed.

"You two are way too easy and I love it". They both pouted as I laid back. "I'm not that easy," Bokuto grumbled. "I'll whip it out just to prove you wrong" he immediately backed down. I chuckled as both of them flushed again. "Dear lord what would I do without you two!" I yelled as I pulled them close and cuddled them to death. We stayed like this until sleep finally hit us.

Not very long but it's just some fluff for your Bokuto and Akaashi simps which I definitely am one so. But yeah so schools has started so updates might become a little less frequent but I'll still try to write at least once a week. But also my new book is up and it already had two chapters published so if you like Kill La Kill or just need some seme male reader go check it out. But enough of that thank you all for over 40k views it's insane. So hope to see you all soon.

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