True Peace: Nagato Uzumaki (Naruto)

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(Y/N)'s POV

The sound of rain falling all around and armored footsteps were all I could hear in me and a group of leaf ninja trekked towards our destination. We were headed towards a small village to meet with Hanzō and his group just outside of the village to deal with their leader. In all honesty I was dreading this meeting, mainly because I hated Hanzō. He was always quick to switch sides and betray the ones who trusted him and I simply couldn't fathom how he could live with himself with the shit he's pulled on people but I was also slightly happy due to our orders being one of the biggest reliefs of my life. I could finally deal with the pest. Our movement slowed as we were within sight of Hanzō's group. As we arrived Hanzō had a woman in his grasp she had lapis colored hair and deep orange eyes. Halo held a kunai to her through and was yelling at two males, one had bright orange hair and from what I could tell dark orange eyes while the other had bright red hair and odd purple ringed eyes. I somewhat got lost staring into his eyes, they were just so hypnotic and almost relaxing to stare at but I regained my attention when I heard the woman scream something. Apparently Hanzō was trying to make the leader kill himself or something so I guess this is our moment to step in. I walked up behind Hanzō before immediately stabbing my nodachi straight through his chest as he slowly fell I mutter a quick
" the leaf sends its regards"

I then yelled at my group to kill the rest while I dealt with the rebels. They had begun their work as I took the purple hair woman's hand and tossed a kunai at the area next to the two males before teleporting us to the kunai. I walk up to them and let the female go. She ran to the males hugging the orange haired one while crying.
" what do you want?" The aforementioned orange haired male asked. " I simply am here to take care of some business for the leaf village our first objective was to kill Hanzō and now I am to negotiate a peace agreement with you." They looked at me with complete shock on their faces. I let out a chuckle before holding out my hand. "Where are my manners, I am (Y/N) (L/N) of the hidden leaf and right hand man of the four hokage and you are?"

" I am Yahiko and these two are Konan and Nagato. The orange haired male said before pointing between the female and other male.

" Well nice to meet you all, I am going to be your escort and before you ask the reason why is because the four would really like to meet you in person, you see he was a student of jiraiya and heard that you all were once his students as well." Yahiko gave me a look before asking " why should we accept this deal?" "Well first off think about it, more land for the land of fire, it creates more trade, better protection from the other villages and I mean you all will be recognized ambassadors for this village. Truthfully there's not really a downside unless being called part of the land of fire isn't your thing. So what do you say?" I held my hand out and he seemed to think about it for a moment before grasping my hand and shaking. I gave him a smirk "I thought so, so how about we start heading towards the leaf village so you can take details with the hokage himself and not me because I'm not too good at that. He gave me a nod and I looked at his companions and gave them a wave, " you can both come with I'll have my troops set up around here and clean up." They both nodded and walked over.

"Alright grab on" I said pointing at myself. They seem confused so I decided to explain. " I'm using the flying raijin so we can teleport back. It will only take an instant so hold on" they nodded and grabbed my arms before I teleported to the seal that was placed before we left. I turned to check on them. Yahiko and Konan seemed fine but Nagoya seemed to be sick. I gently grabbed his shoulder and rubbed his back. "Sorry I know traveling that far can be pretty jarring for some people". He seemed frozen for a bit but started to loosen up to the contact pretty quick. I looked up and noticed I had completely spaced out the others in the process leaving them out of the loop. " Oh sorry I kinda got lost there uh the hokage's office is right there" I said pointing at a door directly in front of us. " go on ahead, I'll take your friend to go lay down. Just ask the hokage where my room is and he will show you there. They seemed worried but nodded and continued into the office. Alright now to bring him to my room I turned to Nagato but he was currently leaning against me and sleeping soundly. It took all the power in my body to not cuddle him right then and there but I pulled it off and simply picked him up and walked to my room. Poor guy must've been tired from all the traumatic things that happened today, guess I can't blame him. I'm tired from all the teleporting and walking not to mention fighting at this point I'm down right exhausted. I open my door and lay him on the bed he snuggles in and I cover him with a blanket I look at the clock on the table, I guess I have time for a nap I mean I have nothing else to do other than watch over the three and walk them around town but the actual agreement and paperwork will take at least an hour so a nap couldn't hurt just have to make sure I don't snuggle the adorable redhead currently curled up in my bed not that I wouldn't want to it's just I don't want to do anything to him he may not be comfortable with. So I lay on the half of the bed he isn't occupying and set an alarm for 30 minutes just enough for a small nap and let my mind drift off.

Time skip

I woke up from my nap earlier than expected due to a sudden amount of pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes and looked down, there clinging to my chest was Nagato. He was crying in his sleep and seemed to be having a nightmare. I felt bad leaving him like this so wrapped my arms gently around him and rubbed his back. He leaned into my arms and seemed to find comfort in my embrace so I started to do what I did with my little brother when he had nightmares. I would gently rock him while humming, this seemed to do the trick as his tears stopped and his light snores could be heard. I felt happy with him in my arms like I could stay here forever and just cuddle him until the world ended and I would have no complaints. Oh god I really am falling hard for this guy and I only just met him but how could I not he's just perfect, amazing eyes I could get lost in, smooth red hair, and an adorable face with cheeks I could just pinch. It doesn't help that he's right here snuggled into my chest but I wasn't complaining. I thought this could never end but I forgot one major thing,The fucking alarm. It blared to life making both of us jump. My grip tightened on him and that seemed to scare him even more, which led to him trashing out of my grip and attacking me but when I went to grab his hands he pushed us both off the bed. I landed with a thump on my back with him on top of me. He looked down at me and seemed to realize what was happening. "Why were you holding me?". My face slightly flushed realizing that I didn't really have a good reason. " you were crying in your sleep so I tried to help". He calmed down slightly and looked to be thinking. "Uh you gonna get off or?". He snapped out of his trance and looked down before his face flushed red. He quickly scrambled off and I sat up. I got up and fixed my bed quickly while Nagato seemed to be thinking in the corner.

" I brought you here after falling asleep in the hall". He looked up and gave me a small nod. The silence I was trying to kill seemed to become even more tense after that, I decided I might as well get it over with and just confess my sins. " hey so I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched you without asking I just felt bad and didn't want to-
"Oh it's fine I-i kind of liked it, it felt nice and I felt safe so it's really ok I'm fine". His face was still red but so was mine so I can't really make fun of it. "A-Alright well how about I show you around the village and I'll treat you to some food on me". "I'd like that". I grabbed my wallet and keys and nodded my head towards the door, he walked out with me following and locking the door behind me. Alright that's a hell of a wake up call but let's hope this goes smoother. We make our way around town I show him the basic stuff he should know, hokage's office, town center, the market, and so on but we started walking towards some restaurants and I let him pick we're we would eat, he decided on barbecue and explained that meat was quite rare in the hidden rain due to lack of livestock. So I decided to treat him even more so and let him get anything he wanted and watching his eyes light up looking at the menu was one of the most heartwarming things I've ever seen. I ended up helping him order due to his shyness which was adorable and we talked about everything and anything while eating. He was surprisingly open with me about his past but I tried to keep things more lighthearted and told a few of my stories and even got him to laugh a couple of times. At this point I was just trying to make him happy. I mean he deserves it for what he has been through. We finished up and made our way around the make but I spotted him eyeing up a dango shop before I "randomly" asked if he wanted to get some dessert. I ended up buying quite a bit of dango not that I minded I enjoyed it too so why not? We continued to walk around before I led him to my favorite part of the village, the summit. It was at the top of the mountain and had an amazing view of the village and sunset. He looked amazing at the view and we sat and ate our snacks while watching the sunset. At one point he leaned on my shoulder I thought he must've been tired but he was wide awake and staring directly at me. "Uhm you Alright Nagato?". "Can I kiss you?". I nearly choked on the dango stick but I gave him a slight nod. We both leaned in and our lips met for only a second but to me it felt like an eternity. We pulled back our faces bright red then put his head on my chest and snuggled into me hugging my shoulders. "Can you hum again?". "Oh uh yeah but what if you fall asleep?". "You can just take me to your house I wanna lay with you again anyway". Dear god I hope this lasts forever. I need to make this man my husband one day. I began humming and slowly rocking him. He relaxed into my chest before nodding off not too long after.i picked him up and teleported home laying him down on my bed. I changed into some comfy clothes and joined him in bed holding him close as I drifted off with my last thought being

" I hope this is the start of something great".


So this was going to be the start of a small series of small three to five chapter books but I decided this was small enough to just be a one shot and didn't really like it enough for it to be a book all on its own, so I hope you enjoy the extra long one shot even if it's a bit dull and kind of rushed.

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