Rage: Tendou Satori (Haikyuu)

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up to my alarm blaring into my ears. But instead of my normal groan I immediately sat up, stretched, and moved to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth in a hurry and grabbed some comfy clothes to change into. I then ran downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. On the way I saw a note, it was from my parents saying they had left already. They were traveling the country to help expand their business and usually that ment they weren't home often but I was used to it by now. After eating some breakfast I checked the time, it was 5:45 AM so I had some time and decided to walk to school. I grabbed my gym bag full of my volleyball equipment and made my way out. I wasn't worried about my school supplies knowing that the volleyball team was going to a tournament today before school started. We are apparently playing Karasuno, a school that has been on the rise as of late. But knowing shiratorizawa and how dominant we have been since my first year we should be fine as long as we keep everything in front of us and don't fall off the tracks. I let my thoughts continue to wander as I made my way into school and around to the volleyball club room. I stepped in noticing only three people in the room, those people being our coaches and Ushiwaka. Me and Ushiwaka chatted for a bit about the teams we will be playing and what we saw on the film. Me and him have an odd relationship, we mainly bond over our love for volleyball and the amount of dedication we both have for the sport and since we were both wing spikers we usually pushed each other to be better. Although I wasn't the ace for a reason, I am much better at receiving and blocking to the point that I'm the backup Libero. But I was still arguably the second best player on the team after Ushiwaka. My thoughts were interrupted by a certain red head shouting at the both of us. It was of course Tendou, he was a childhood friend of mine and is the entire reason I came to shiratorizawa in the first place. We started to make our way to the bus with me sitting next to the other third years.

Time skip

We were now getting ready to face the karasuno team. I wasn't worried. I knew that they would rely on their freak quick but when you rely on your best move too much you become predictable and therefore weak. But it seems as though they might have gotten to my fellow teammates as they seem shocked by their setters ability and the fireballs breakneck speed. I lined up and got myself ready for a good game.

The match started well with Tendou's guess blocks and time lag attack working perfectly but I could tell that they were adapting and fast, unnervingly fast. We were giving up points faster than usual but I tried my best to stay calm and tell the others but it seemed as though they were ignoring me and of course that led to them scoring even quicker. We needed to stop guess Blocking the quick is too fast to block normally.

(Y/N): Tendou, we need to change our strategy when I comes to blocking.

Tendou: yeah yeah got it.

He then walked away and it hit me, was he mad at me? What did I do? You know what fuck him if he doesn't want to listen I won't say anything.

The match continued with things only getting worse. Their tall blonde was blocking everything and we couldn't stop the damn quick and Tendou was just randomly jumping at any little fake didn't help. He was jittery and was more of a nuisance at this point than anything. But that doesn't matter right now just focus on the ball the set went right I shifted with it ready to receive but the Tendou moved in the wrong way and they simply spiked opposite of me. Damn it Tendou, I pushed my anger to the side a focus on the ball again but of course I was on my edge and the others seemed to notice but didn't say anything. Then I saw it the quick you could tell it was coming from the way the orange haired kid was running I moved to intercept it but Tendou jumped right in front of me blocking my path. The ball hit the floor with a slam. Silence consumed the court only to be filled with the shouts of the other team. My anger boiled over and it finally got a hold of me.

(Y/N): god damn it Tendou! Quit fucking moving in my way! I can't do jack with you being a fucking liability! Get out of my way!

My screaming echoed through the gym and everyone on the court seemed to be staring at me but I could care less. I then heard my coach call my name and turn to see that they had someone coming in for me. I hissed under my breath knowing they were taking me out of the game. Walked over and snatched the card out of my replacement hand before throwing it at the bench and walking out of the court I knew the result right then and there I left without a word to my teammates or coaches.

Time skip

It had been days since I had left my house. My phone had been blowing up with messages from my team. Most were the third years but at one point everyone on the team had sent me messages saying they were worried and even the coaches tried to get in contact with me. I just told them I'm fine and hung up. But I was lying straight through my teeth. I just couldn't get over the fact that I had let myself do that in front of people and to my childhood friend for god sakes.
I need to clear my head so I took a little trip to a small lake I used to fish at when I was younger and just thought about life until a stranger sat down next to me. He was sniffling and sounded like he was barely holding together so I turned and looked at him. I could believe what I had seen, it was Tendou he had extremely messy hair even for his standards, his eyes had bags under them and were extremely red. He looked worse than me. Guilt racked through my body as I looked into his eyes, seeing he was trying to say something, probably an apology but I stopped him. I pulled him into a tight hug and gently combed through his hair. He seemed surprised by this but relaxed into it and eventually we both just cuddled up on a bench looking at the stars. I was truthfully heart warming seeing him happy now.

(Y/N): I'm so damn sorry I was an asshole and didn't even have the balls to make it up to you earlier. I'm a terrible friend and I understand if you don't wanna talk to me but please accept this apology.

Tendou: (Y/N) it's okay I don't hate you I-i just couldn't handle the idea of you hating me, I know I screwed up and should have listened to you but I just didn't want to disappoint you and in the end I made you even more angry.

(Y/N): hey, you'll never disappoint me trust me when I say that so why would you think like that it just doesn't seem like you.

Tendou: W-well I-i have something I want to tell you

Tendou's cheeks flared red and he stuttered which isn't like him at all so I got closer which only seemed to make it worse before he finally took a deep breath in and spoke.

Tendou: I may have a crush on you and didn't want to disappoint you so I tried to impress you and do everything myself and ruined it. I'm sorry I know you don't like me back so I'll just get ov-mhH!

I interrupted him with a kiss on the lips.

(Y/N): I loved you so don't think like that, so how about we go back to my place and I make it up to you with some cuddling and movies?

He nodded and hugged me, I returned the hug before picking him up and giving him a piggyback ride to my house knowing this was the start of an odd but great relationship.

Wow ok this is by far one of my longest so I hope it makes up for the lack of updates recently. To explain that I've had some ideas about a haikyuu x seme male reader and other stories but also I've been trying to find other fandoms and characters to write about due to the fact that I don't want this entire book to be all haikyuu trust me I love it but I still would like some more variety to the one shots. Also I slowed down my weekly uploads due to the fact that I don't have a ton of ideas I'm 100% on just yet, I have ideas there just not developed yet so I hope you all will understand. Alright last thing please if you like my one shots, request I'm open to it. Alright so stay safe and see you later.

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