Rescue: Tooru Oikawa ( Haikyuu)

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Star Wars AU

The word rage couldn't even begin to describe the anger boiling in my body as I rampantly flew my star ship through the atmosphere of a shithole plant I knew I shouldn't have stopped on. Tooru and I had stopped on a random plant just off a rebel homeworld, we stopped to quickly grab rations and fuel but with our luck we got ambushed by the empire and Tooru got captured during the brawl. I was now chasing down the imperial cruiser at dangerously fast speeds more pissed off than ever, and if there's one thing you don't do it's piss off a mandalorian. As my ship quickly caught up with the large cruiser I set my ship to stealth mode, taking it off the radars and cloaking it. I managed to dock my ship in the main hanger unnoticed but knowing the empire they probably detected its presence when I docked. I uncloaked the ship as I heard the sound of boots chattering closer. "Open the door and keep your hands raised!" I heard a trooper yell. I did as told, "good now step out to be cuffed." I slowly strides out but as the first trooper reached for my arms I quickly slapped his blaster down and shot him with my wrist mounted blaster before kicking his body back into the other two, only to fire two micro missiles killing them both.

With that settled I grabbed my blaster, a simple EE-4 blaster and a small stinger pistol and made my way to the holding cells. On my way I experienced light resistance at first but the further I got the more concentrated the resistance became. I assumed that the admiral had learned of my boarding and was now sending his goons to stop me. I easily dispatched of the troopers with small fighter fights here and there but before I could enter the holding cells the doors all shut and locked. I couldn't hack into the system so I guess I'd have to head up top to and unlock them myself. I luckily found a elevator shaft and managed to pry the doors open and use my jet to fly up to the top floor. I climbed out of the elevator to immediately be blindsided by a punch to the stomach before being thrown against the wall. I looked up to see three death troopers. This will be difficult. I hopped up and fired off a burst of bolts at them only for them to dodge and return fire. I ducked and took cover throwing an emp as I did,there blasters fried I began my assault quickly rushing in and blasting the first but quickly being disarmed by the second, I countered by sticking a mind to his chest and pushing him into the third and rolling away as the blast consumed them. With that settled I board the command deck and walk straight up to the admiral. He tried firing at me only for the bolts to ding off my armor, I grabbed his pistol and tossed it before uttering at quick. "You messed with the wrong mandalorian" then blasted him with the stinger pistol. I then turned off the ship's lock down therefore opening the doors and raced down to the holding cells.

In what felt like slow motion I approached the cell my dear husband sat in, as I got close his eyes lit up and he jumped up as I opened the cell. He ran to me and hugged my chest as I clutched him tight. "I was so worried" I mumbled as he pulled back "So was I, your not hurt are you?!"He frantically looked at the blaster marks on my armor. "I'm fine Tooru, especially now that you're here" he chuckled as he reached for my helmet and tugged up at it and as it passed my lips he leaned in-

I sat up with a gasp, and frantically looked around. I was in my bed with Tooru cuddled onto me with the tv in front of us quietly playing the Star Wars marathon we had decided to watch. Damn I must have fallen asleep. I looked to my side to see Tooru happily dreaming in one of my Star Wars shirts which was massive on him clearly showing his collarbone and going down to his things where he had on a pair of Aline themed pajama shorts. I chuckled as I turned off the tv and snuggled up to Tooru.

"What a odd dream~"

Alrighty I managed to actually write something within a month or so of my last oneshot. Sorry about the lack of posts but I've been really sucked into Star Wars recently and I've been finding hard to concentrate on more regular ideas as you can probably tell by the fact that I'm this is super Star Wars heavy so I apologize to those who aren't fond of it but recently I've managed to get myself into Knb which is really good I just need to genuinely sit down and watch it so maybe I'll be making so oneshots with Knb characters soon so if y'all would want that go ahead and comment who you'd be interested in seeing. Otherwise that's about it, hope you all enjoyed this oneshot and hope to see you all again soon.

Seme male reader - one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt