Cup of Coffee: Tim Drake (DC Comics)

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Sleep, a state many are familiar with but yet so many find it to become more and more of a scarcity. This becomes even more so a fact for those who partake in the world of being a vigilante. The darkness of night makes for great cover and gives comfort to those who reside themselves to a life of crime. Which in turn means for one to be a crime fighter usually comes at the sacrifice of having anything remotely similar to a typical sleep schedule.

There are few more versed in this than the Wayne family. Or as more may know the Bat family. To preside over the Gotham streets is a task this family has sworn themselves to but even they aren't exempt from the rules. None find themselves more aware of that fact than a Mr. Tim Drake.

Tim Drake, Red Robin, Sidekick of the great Batman, Kid genius, Tim had done a lot of things in his life but sleep was something he seemingly had always struggled with. No matter what he tried it would always evade him or at the very least leave him desperately trudging through the day one cup of coffee at a time till he eventually crashed hours past when he should have been asleep.

Tim didn't know whether it was natural insomnia, his overactive mind, his line of work, possible past trauma, or his very slight, totally not an addiction, use of caffeine. Hell it could be all of the above and he'd never really know. What he did know was that he had for the most part gotten used to the usual slog of being up for days at a time and then crashing into a deep slumber for up to twenty four hours. It was a routine for him, no matter how horrible it may be.

However recently this routine as Tim called it had changed and he hated it. Tim no longer struggled to sleep because of an overuse of caffeinated beverages or his overactive mind coming up with a new innovative scheme to fight crime, it wasn't even that Gotham had been overrun with another crime spree. In fact it was much worse, to Tim at the very least.

You see Tim had spent the last few days in absolute fervor. He found it impossible to lay down or even stop moving and relax without his chest growing tight. He'd never suffered a pain quite like the heartache but he noticed it would always pop up when he was around or thinking of 'Him'.

Being naturally curious he decided to embarrassingly ask his old brother Dick what to do. And the conversation went about as well as Tim expected any real serious conversation with Dick would. An absolute disaster. After explaining the situation in as much detail as he could manage, Dick simply laughed at his concern before saying the sentence that had been stuck in his head for days

"Looks like Timmy has a crush!" Tim now despised that word as well as his brother for ever saying it. Tim refused to believe he had a crush, he refused that something so childish would be what caused this. Tim did manage to save some of his dignity, making Dick swear to never tell another soul of their conversation, and while Dick was still giggling he agreed. Not before Tim gave him a very serious glare. Dick eventually settled down and agreed, but offered to help him whenever he felt ready.

Ever since then Tim had been working himself ragged. Anything to occupy his mind, whether that be going out on patrol, responding to even the slightest of crimes, running diagnostics on every single computer in the manor, even triple checking his homework. Anything to get his mind off of 'him'.

Who exactly is the 'him' Tim was desperately trying not to think about? Well that would be the one and only (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N) was and still is one of Tim's best friends and a well trusted partner. The two had met under relatively unique circumstances. (Y/N) was at one point a victim of the ever growing metahuman trafficking rings. However unlike what some may think (Y/N) wasn't a metahuman, and tested negative for any form of super power after being kidnapped for his family. Unfortunately his family wouldn't survive the incident, leaving (Y/N) a powerless, orphaned, kid in the middle of the heart of a world wide metahuman trafficking network.

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